www.whyville.net Dec 5, 2003 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

Alaska: What Some People Don't Know

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Okey dokey, folks. This little article is about my home state, good ol' Alaska.

I want to clue some of you people in. I get the weirdest questions when I say I'm from Alaska. Like, "What's it like to ride an airplane to school?" and "How big is your igloo?" Now, I know most of you more educated people out there know I wouldn't ride an airplane to school. It's a common fact. But I guess some of you still think Alaska is an uncivilized state.

Let me share with you some facts that you might not have known...

We have malls.
We have cars that we actually drive.
We go to school (and it's not in a one room schoolhouse).
We have a water park (indoor).
It is not dark all year round. (true, sometimes way up north they don't see the sun for about 3 months, but not where I live).
It is light 24/7 for about a month in the summer.
The temperature has reached 100 degrees above zero (it has also reached 75 below zero).
We have cable TV.

Now do you know a little more about Alaska? I hope so, because that was the point of this article. Oh yeah, hardly anyone lives in igloos anymore. That is SO 50 years ago. :-D

This is kadi13, hoping to get her first article published. *click*


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