www.whyville.net Jan 23, 2004 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

The Latest Scam

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Here's another scam going around Whyville. I don't know if you have heard about it, but I was in the Beach talking with my friend when I noticed five or six people talking about how they got scammed.... It seemed like they got scammed by the same person over and over again! Anyway... one of the people who was talking said that the person had sent her an e-mail asking for her password. This is what it said:

Dear (user's name):

I am here to award you the prize of the Whyvillian of the year for 2003! What we would like to do for you is upgrade your salary to 114! We know you want it this high! Doesn't everyone? Anyways it's real simple to do this. All you have to do is why mail me a list of the following questions! It's that easy!

1. What is your first name?

2. Where do you live (country please)

3. How old are you and when is your Birth date?

4. Do you have any brothers or sisters on Whyville?

5. What is your screen name?

6. What is your password for that account?

7. If you have any other account, we would be happy to upgrade their salary as well as yours! Even if you have a friend, Why Mail me their password and account name. I'll make them a great salary of 114 and a awsome cool makeover! Can't get better than that folks! Why Mail back to (users name)

thanks for your effort of Whyville!

You will also recieve 5000 clams! (and a trophy!)

Why Mail me back at City Hall! (users screen name)

Officer (name)

And there you have it. It's a huge scam if you ask me -- no City Worker would ever ask for a password!

The girl who sent me this said her two other friends got the same one. They all fell for it, sadly.

People of Whyville, don't scam people. It's not right! Even though no one should believe Y-mail like that, I don't care! Just don't scam!!

My words are out ^_^ Don't scam!!!

XxSxExXxY -- Thank-you for reading!


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