The Town Hall Meeting in Virginia is a great opportunity to win 500 clams and a
Lifetime Why-Pass. Superid is actually going to meet the citizens of Whyville in
real life! Everyone is very excited, especially the people that live in
Virginia! If you haven't heard about it already from the login page, you can
read the notice in this week's Whyville Times.
Go here to read the announcement!
Isn't this just awesome? I would love to go... but wait, I don't live in
Virginia! Oh well, maybe next time!!
But will there be a next time? Will another City Worker meet
us somewhere else!? I am really hoping for them to come to my hometown!
So, will anyone else be coming to us!?
Editor's Note: The folks at City Hall would love to
send a City Worker or two to your town.?? Just convince a local school or
university to invite us!