Hello fellow Whyvillians,
Let me guess: you're new to Whyville, you just built a house or are planning
to, and you want to get a plot of land to settle down on. Well, if you're
like most of us, you went to talk to Bob at the land office to claim yourself
a plot, only to find that all the plots are sold out. You click on plots
that look like they are empty with anticipation, and nothing happens.
Are you wondering just how in the heck you get a plot of land?
Not to worry, your good pal Espot is on the job. After some research, I came
across this notice posted on the BBS @ City Hall:
"You need to click on a piece of land that is marked by a white rectangle,
but does NOT have a sold sign on it already.
Try again Thursday mornings -- Wednesday night I evict people who haven't
been visiting for more than 10 weeks, so Bob usually has something open
Thursday mornings.
City Hall"
So there you have it, the answer to all your troubles. Just be on the ball
on Thursday morning, and grab your bad self a plot of land from Bob.
Hope this little article helps,