Cursing in Whyville is not a subject that can or should be taken lightly. I am
going to go All-American-Constitutional here, so
try to hang on. =)
In 1957, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that obscenity is not protected by the First
Amendment, and then in Miller v. California in 1973, these guidelines were set
out to determine if something was obscene:
1. Will the general community find it offensive?
2. Does it picture of describe sexual conduct outlawed by law?
3. Does it not have any literary, artistic, political, or scientific value?
As you can probably tell, something that is obscene has usually got strong
sexual content. However, we should take a good, hard look at number one when
faced with this issue in our little online town. Will Whyville's target audience and the majority of
Whyvillians find certain language offensive?
And on to my next point: Whyville is not a public forum. It is a wonderful
place for us to express our points of view, but Whyville, like schools, has a
right to censor us. A private school can censor their students as much as they
find fit, and honestly, so can Whyville.
Byes, and censor yourself right, don't make the filter work overtime. ^.^