www.whyville.net Apr 3, 2004 Weekly Issue

City Worker

Coach Stallings' Visit

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neutral: hey guys
CoachJay: Hi Everyone!

CoachJay: Thank you, Thank you!
CoachJay: I'm not used to all this attention!
CoachJay: Thanks for having me here!

neutral: hi guys let's welcome coach jay stallings to whyville

CoachJay: So, any chess stars in the crowd?

NayNay4To: CoachJay I am the best in the school at chess

CoachJay: Okay, a little history.
neutral: pollshow 20; do you play chess; yes; no

CoachJay: I started coaching chess about 10 years ago.

Summer76: thats a long time

neutral: coach jay is going to tell us his story now!
CoachJay: I started coahcing chess about 10 years ago.

CoachJay: At that time, there were not many coaches for young players.
CoachJay: I didn't really know what to do, so I just made it up as I went

Xjust4meX: interesting
ILOVEwho: sounds like my projects

CoachJay: Now, I have over 1,000 students, and 15 coaches working for me.
Amazing: wow
Jonnie3: sweet

CoachJay: My organization is a non-profit organization that teaches chess in the schools.
neutral: that;s impressive!

CoachJay: Chess is a great game!
neutral: coach, thank you for the introduction

CoachJay: The kids can start learning at age 4 or even earlier!
CoachJay: I am 37 years old.
CoachJay: I started playing chess when I was 5 years old.
CoachJay: My dad was Florida State champ in 1963 and he and I played every day. He was my hero.

neutral: let's start asking questions to the coach

CoachJay: I have been married for 12 years. Very happy. Two boys.

girlyleo: coach jay do you still compete?
CoachJay: Yes, but not as much as I used to. I play in a tournament once a year on a team with my son.

ILOVEwho: What is your favorite player on the Chess board?
CoachJay: My favorite player is probably Mikhail Tal.
CoachJay: He was a wild attacking chess player from Russia who was never
afraid to attack even the most difficult opponnets.

xXfAlEnXx: CoachJay do your children play chess to?
CoachJay: Yes. Especially my 9 year old.

hottiemb: What piece do you think is most useful in the game of chess?
CoachJay: Well, the queen is the most powerful (go girls!), but I love to use my knights!

annefrank: how many games have u won so far
CoachJay: Wow! How many games? I have played hundreds of thousands of games. Probably won 95% since I play a lot against kids!

gold837: Coach did you personally know Bobby Fischer?
CoachJay: No. He was a great player, but a little imbalanced.

ducky2: what do you think inspires you to play, Coach?
CoachJay: I love to out-think my opponent! It's exciting to think that you will surprise them with your next move!

xXfAlEnXx: Coach did you do good in school when you were a kid?
CoachJay: I did pretty well. Especially in Math. I did a lot of sports and worked a lot, so sometimes I didn't study too much.

annefrank: how is Fischer imbalanced?
CoachJay: Well, Fischer thinks almost only of chess. Once he became the best, there was nothing else for him to do.

rexybaby: coach jay i love my rooks but i always lose them how do i keep them ?
CoachJay: Good question. I like to bring out my center pawns, then knight and bishops, then my rooks into the center.

neutral: poll --> which chess piece moves diagonally only?; pawn; bishop; rook; queen
neutral: yes, this is BISHOP!
CoachJay: That's right! The bishop. Many of my young students will call it a "pushup"

CoachJay: Yes. My older son beat me when we played a speed game (5 minutes each)

ducky2: does chess help you with life? like does it help you concentrate or solve problems?
CoachJay: Yes!! My favorite story is about a man who escaped a boat wreck because "chess taught me to think quickly!"

neutral: Jay, do you know any professional women players?
CoachJay: O h yes! Grandmaster Susan Polgar is a friend of mine. She runs a chess school in Queens, New York.

Mongilny: Is chess a game where it takes knowledge only?
CoachJay: Knowledge helps a lot! Skill and talent are important, but patience and determination make the difference!

JenNipaH: do u play any other game besides chess
CoachJay: Yes, I play fun games like Stratego.

hottiemb: Coach Jay, where are you from?
CoachJay: I am from Santa Clarita, CA (30 miles north of L.A.)

girlioh: does chess bulid self esem
CoachJay: Yes. I have many students who were once unsure of themselves, but chess made them confident!

ChatiChic: how long did it take u to get really good at chess?
CoachJay: I played with my dad for many years. By 14 I was an Expert class player.

YaSh17: do you only teach chess???
CoachJay: Yes! But that includes teaching teachers how to teach chess!

hottiemb: Did you go to colledge or anything?
CoachJay: I graduated from Univ Texas in Austin with a degree in International Business.

YaSh17: do you have a website???
CoachJay: Yes, but I need to update it! www.cycl.org

nicole946: what tips do you have for aspiring players?
CoachJay: Find a club. Play a lot and ask the players for advice.

neutral: poll --> what is your favorite strategy game?; chess; checkers; go; backgammon [Audience chooses chess]

YaSh17: Coach what does CYCL stand for??
CoachJay: CYCL is California Youth Chess League - the non-profit organization that we started.

backseat: Coach who is the best chess player in the United States of America??
CoachJay: Probably Alexander Shabalov, but it could be Hikaru Nakamura (he is a teenager!)

Deriko: Whatg do you think of computers and chess players. do you think computers will ever determine a perfect game of chess?
CoachJay: When I was a kid,I played a computer that was in a different city. Now they are so strong! Even hand-helds.

YaSh17: do you teach any adults apart from all the teachers yoy teach?
CoachJay: Well, adults don't seem to learn as fast as the kids!

Hermionez: wat was the shortes tchess game u ever played? and who was it against?
Deriko: Well there's always the 2 move chess game, lol
neutral: thats correct, Deriko
CoachJay: For the chessplayers, shortest game I played: 1.f4 e6 2. g4 Qh4++. I was Black.

Animals10: CoachJay I warned you for not answering my question do you like your job?
CoachJay: I love my job! It doesn't make me a millionaire, but it makes me feel like a million bucks!

rexybaby: If you were blind is there special teachers who can teach you to play?
CoachJay: I have had a couple of blind students. They use a special board with peg pieces. Black pieces are marked differently.
CoachJay: Not marked, but have a ball on top or different texture.

neutral: poll --> how long is the shortest chess game?; 2 moves; 3 moves; 4 moves [Answer: 2 moves]
CoachJay: Yes! 2 moves! It is called "Fool's Mate."
CoachJay: Some games can last as long as 150 moves, but most are about 35-40.

Mongilny: What game do you think uses more knowledge is it Chess or Checkers?
CoachJay: Chess requires tons of strategy. There are thousands of chess books, but not many checkers books.

neutral: poll --> what game requires more strategy and more complex?; chess; checkers [Answer: chess]
courts25: when did chess first start
CoachJay: Good question. Many people think it started in Egypt or China thousands of years ago.
CoachJay: Some say India.

annefrank: have the pieces changed over time
CoachJay: Yes! A thousand years ago, the queen moved only 1 square diagonally.

Jonnie3: have u ever written any chess books???
CoachJay: Yes. I have several books, but they aren't at bookstores. Just for my students!

Deriko: Coach Jay, do you think intimidation can help towards defeating your opponent?
CoachJay: Not a good idea. Once, I saw a guy with a shirt "If you beat me, I'll BEAT you!

CoachJay: Good player? Well, you can beat many people after only a little bit of study.

ILOVEwho: What is the youngest child you taught
CoachJay: I have a student right now who is 4 years old and very good. My son learned when he was 3 years old.

Jonnie3: who was ur hardest opponent???
CoachJay: I played an International Master in a tournament. He beat me.

neutral: what is a good chess computer program?
CoachJay: ChessMaster9000 is great for average players. Serious players use Fritz or something like it.

courts25: how many times a day do u compete?
CoachJay: I play probably 5-10 games on an average day. Most are just for fun with kids.

8Dyay8D: Is there evidence of chess in tombs?
CoachJay: I don't know. But there is much in history about rulers playing chess.

Deriko: What is your prefered opening for starting a chess game?
CoachJay: I like to play King-pawn games. I develop quickly and attack as soon as possible!

backseat: If you ever lost your eyesight do you think you would still play chess coachjay??
CoachJay: Definitely. It would help my students see that you can not be held back by disabilities.

Jonnie3: have u ever played ur wife in a game of chess??????
CoachJay: Hmmm. Trick question. It's best to stay away from anything that can cause debate! : )

bubbybro: What color do you prefer, white or black (pieces)?
CoachJay: I like to play White. White moves first.

buddybo1: do you ever get bored of playing chess????
CoachJay: Sometimes I get tired if it is the 3rd day of a tournament, but not bored. Too much excitement!

PLINTIC55: is chess hard easy or boring?????
CoachJay: It is hard if you are playing tough players. It is easier to learn than most people think.

neutral: Jay, why should people learn to play chess?
CoachJay: Chess helps you learn to think logically. It also helped me meet many people all over the world.

courts25: do u go all around the world to tourniments?
CoachJay: When I was in college, I played on a team in Spain. That was cool.

hiphopdog: why do people play chess
neutral: poll --> why do people play chess?; fun; challenge; to meet ppl; don't know [Most vote challenge]
CoachJay: I play for fun! I love the challenge too. Oh yeah, I get to meet new friends!

CoachJay: Yes. In Vietnamese chess, the rook can't capture unless something is in the way!

nicenfun: why does the white piece get to move first?
CoachJay: About 150 years ago, it became standard world wide.
CoachJay: Since the Black pieces were so beautiful (usually ebony), White should get to move first.

gold837: If you weren't a coach what would be your second career choice?
CoachJay: If I weren't a chess coach, I think I would still be a teacher.
CoachJay: I used to be in International Business - selling computer printers to Latin America.

Deriko: why more men play chess than women?
CoachJay: More and more women play every day. Someday soon, there will be a woman as World Champion! Maybe one of you!

hiphopdog: what games are related to chess?
CoachJay: Well, Stratego is certainly related.

sleepi: What motivates you to continue to play chess?
CoachJay: I always get to see new games.

CoachJay: My dad taught a young boy who went on to win the National Blind Championship. I played him.
CoachJay: I was lucky to win.

neutral: we will take 3 more questions
nicole946: who is your favorite opponent and why?
CoachJay: I have a friend who I play almost every day. He plays fearless chess so it is fun!

YaSh17: do you only teach in california?? whynot world wide?
CoachJay: I hope that my students will teach their friends worldwide. I have so many to teach already!

neutral: last question
CoachJay: To get your pieces in the action, but most importantly to keep your eye on your opponent's moves!

neutral: how did chess affect your life in a long run?
CoachJay: I think it helped me learn to think logically and quickly. It helps me in every thing I do!

neutral: thank you coachjay for coming on Whyville today!!
CoachJay: You are a great crowd!
CoachJay: Thank you so much for having me here today!
CoachJay: I will surely be back to visit Whyville. What a cool place!
CoachJay: guys, thank you for participating. Coach Jay answered as many Qs as he could...

CoachJay: Great! Looks like the future of the world is bright! Thanks again. Bye everyone!
neutral: thanks everyone and i will see you all later


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