www.whyville.net Oct 14, 1999 Weekly Issue

Interview With a Champion

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Interview with a Champion
Who is Sahuboy?

by Marty B.
Guest columnist

It wasn't easy. I hung around for hours on the corner of Gaguin and Gutenburg. I wore down my construction boots hiking around town. But I did it! I tracked down Myville's first building champion Sahuboy and got an interview out of him...

Marty: Sahuboy, it's great to finally meet you face to face. So, how are you? How do you feel about winning our very first building contest?

Sahuboy: I feel great! I never thought I had a chance.

Marty: Everybody's been raving about your robot house. Where did you get such a great idea?

Sahuboy: From Beatle. I thought his design was really cool.

Marty: That must be Beatle who lives on Fontana and Galileo. He's got his house up on 4 legs -- mighty smart, particularly if there's ever a flood! But, Sahuboy, your robot house has more than just legs. It's got arms and a head as well. Was it hard to build? Did it take you a long time?

Sahuboy:It wasn't too hard, but it took me a long time to say, "Hey, I'm gonna build a robot house."

Marty: Well, it really is a great idea. Do you have any new ideas for what you might do to your robot house next?

Sahuboy: Not yet.

Marty: What about your prize money? What are you going to buy with your one hundred clams?

Sahuboy: Save it till I need it.

Marty: Well, that's mighty wise. Any other words of wisdom for those of us out there who want to build a better house?

Sahuboy: Think original. Don't think, "This house looks cool, I think I'll copy it, brick for brick." It's okay to look for inspiration, but don't copy other people's designs, okay? Good.

Well, that was my interview with Sahuboy. Don't be discouraged if you didn't get to be a part of this building competition. Rumor has it that there'll be other building competitions soon enough. In fact, I heard off-the-record from my sources at City Hall that the next contest might be a contest for the best face in Whyville, and it'll be called the Whyville Face-Off!

Our Champion: Sahuboy and his Robot House


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