www.whyville.net Oct 19, 2000 Weekly Issue

The Twister Fish and the Giant Cockroaches

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The Twister Fish and the Giant Cockroaches

by Tennisgrl
Whyville Storyteller

Our story begins with tennisgrl, babygirl9, babygirl2, tgirl55, and peter007 after school on Whyville, yelling at each other about homework. Tennisgrl and tgirl55 were at their school... which is infested with roaches.

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOU STINK AT MATH!" Peter007 yelled at babygirl9.

"Shut up!" she yelled back. Tgirl and I began laughing -- babygirl9 and Peter007 were always at it like this. I was just about to launch a pie at Peter007 when Tgirl55 and I heard a noise.

"Do you think they're all gone?" hissed a strange, low voice.

"Yes, don't be such a worry beetle," another low voice said.

Tgirl55 and I froze. Knowing what was coming, we dived under the table and hid.

We watched the door, hardly daring to breathe. It opened... and in stepped two giant, 5-foot tall cockroaches!

Tgirl and I tried hard not to scream. The roaches went to the computer across from where we were hiding, and went to the Pool Party on Whyville. No one was in there, but then we saw a word bubble appear.

IT WAS THE TWISTER FISH!! He and the giant cockroaches were planning to kidnap some people on Whyville!

"Oh, no," I breathed. One thing you should know about roaches is that they have excellent hearing. Both roaches turned around, saw Tgirl and I, and grabbed us and pulled us into the computer screen.

Once in the Square, they grabbed three other people -- Peter007 (now with cherry pie on his face), babygirl9 (covered in paintball) and babygirl2. They ran with us into the Y-House, where the Twister Fish was waiting with shelly1.

We were in deep trouble.

To be continued...


The six captives of Whyville's newest evil-doers.



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