www.whyville.net May 8, 2004 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

Times History

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The Times has had very many different columns, from very many different people, at all kinds of different times. The thing that most people don't know about is that the Times has been through many times.

The very first Times issue had only two columns or articles or whatever you want to call them. Both of them were the same thing. They were both titled "Welcome to Whyville". Since then, many faces have changed and more articles changed.

As I was browsing through some of the older versions of the Times, I noticed some of the authors' faces. None of them had "Elmo's" (tm) or "Pixie Hands" and certainly none of them had anything that we see today.

There were many articles on how to earn clams and how to build your house. Now all you have to do is buy 300-clam rooms!

The Times was nothing like what it is today. Although I have been here for quite a while, I wasn't here when Whyville first started, but while looking through all of the old articles, I felt as if I had just started Whyville all over again. I highly suggest that you look back at some of the older Times issues!

This is gary4life saying look back into your past, and into the old Times issues.

Editor's Note: Thanks for the trip down memory lane, gary4life! But I kinda need to help you out with a few things. :-)  Actually, the first issue isn't what appears in the Times archives these days, because we had a very different layout back then!  Among other things, something with the way the database holds those old articles causes the double-appearance of some stories, as well as the doubling-up of the titles in anything older than (I think) January 2003, which is when the current design was established.


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