www.whyville.net May 22, 2004 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

More Dogs Than Humans?

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Hey, Whybmad here. If any of you have noticed, there are many dogs here in Whyville.

Well, it turns out whenever dog heads go back in stock, they're back out within a day or two. People may say, hey wait a sec, I don't see any dogs, so there must be more of us than them. If you think that, I fear that you're very, very, very wrong. Let's just say that of all Whyvillians, the way I picture it, almost 75% of them are dogs!

I know right now you're sitting there reading and thinking, what the heck is she talking about? I see way more humans then dogs. Well, guess what? There's one reason for that and that's because humans (goths, preps, etc) are usually scattered around Whyville, so you see them everywhere. But they're in smaller groups scattered in different places, while dogs all gather in one main place, which we call the Dog House (the Whyville House). A bunch of dogs also sometimes go to a deserted old place in Whyville, which I won't say in the Times -- we also hang out over there.

So there you have it; is it a new fad? Will dog heads never be worn? Will dogs start turning into humans and other animals? I imagine all we can do is watch and try to guess.


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