www.whyville.net May 29, 2004 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

The Media & Its Influences

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As I was reading the fashion articles about trends, I wondered: Where does a trend come from? It's simple, I think: the media!

The media influences almost everything that we do, be it from newspapers, magazines, movies, or television. Ever wondered where the big craze for being 'thin' came from? Watching television and seeing skinny and 'beautiful' people on TV shows and commercials. Another example: hoop earrings. Honestly, if you saw your favorite celebrity wearing the most ridiculous thing, would you too because he/she was, well, a celebrity and cool enough to do it?

Another thing that is supposedly 'cool': smoking. I heard on an anti-drug website that "even though there are more celebrities and athletes that you can shake a stick at against smoking, people still do it." Again, it's because of what you see in the media that's so bad. Because of teen influenced into smoking by it, the government has banned all television, radio and magazine ads for smoking and tobacco, and Canada has banned smoking in public places. On the news last night I even saw that they were trying to ban smoking on four California beaches. Do you think that this will still help?

One more example: violence. See, we had a debate about this in class, whether the media WAS to blame for real-life violence. Do you think it's right to have a 5-second mature subject matter warning that nobody pays attention to, then to have an hour of a violent show on? This is a big issue for music, too, since a lot of angry mothers are against violent celebrities, like Eminem and his suggestive lyrics. Even KoRn's new hardcore video was banned off all television because it was too grotesque to be viewed on TV.

Think about how the media has influenced YOU and you'll be very surprised. Even I am influenced by it. Anyway, signing off for now,



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