www.whyville.net May 29, 2004 Weekly Issue

The Double Issue Dilemma

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Hello folks,

The last Times issue was, as many of you know, a double issue. That means you get about double the articles in one newspaper that spans two weeks. However, a lot of citizens wrote in the BBS that they really hate double issues!

Fact is, this poses a problem, because last week was my first vacation in a long, long while. All other double issues happen because I need more time to catch up on the hundreds of articles submitted each week.

Almost the entire BBS was filled with folks saying they want the double issues eliminated. Well, while I can't promise they'll go away completely -- I do need a break once in a while :-) -- perhaps we can find a compromise.

What does that mean? Well, most Times issues these days are 25-30 articles long. In order to have sufficient time to go through the email every week and post an issue, your average Times issue will need to be brought down to about 15 articles a week, maybe a few more.

That includes articles written by City Workers like the MediaWiz, City Hall and Bigfoot, as well as stuff by me, the Whyville Crossword, and the Adobe contest article.

That's a big drop. Are you ready for that?

Or is an occasional delay -- where you often get just as many articles, just in one issue -- something you're willing to endure?

Let's talk.
Times Editor


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