Hello Whyvillians, cobd reporting here to talk about so-called "GFs" and "BFs"
in Whyville. This article came to mind while I was lounging in the beach, looking
to talk and find something to do with my clams.
So I was talking to a few people when I saw such chat phrases come up as
"SINGLE" and "IF YOU ARE A SINGLE GUY/GIRL PRESS 223". This made me quite
annoyed, so I told these people -- I must have said at least 15 times
"Whyville is not a dating service," but with how much goes on in Whyville, it is
becoming a dating service too too much.
You see these phrases everywhere you go, and you also see Whyville marriages. In
the petitions, there are several pleas for a Whyville make-out room (this is
disgusting, thinking about the ages of some of the people on Whyville!), wedding chapels
(is this really preparing you for real life?) and things like this. It makes me
wonder, why are GFs and BFs so important to the people of Whyville?
Please, make Whyville a better place by not making out or getting GFs or BFs.
It's not preparing you for real life and it's not enjoyable for the people around
This is cobd, signing out.