www.whyville.net Jul 4, 2004 Weekly Issue

Senate Candidate

Deriko's Senate Platform

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This platform was emailed to the Times. See the original platform below it.

Hello, fellow Whyvillians. I, Deriko, will be running for the position of Whyville Senator in the upcoming election. Through 2 years of experience, I have seen some of Whyville's past ideas, and future ambitions.

After many weeks of signatures and voting, I have progressed to the Final 3 Candidates of the Senate Race. Having read the BBS comments thoroughly, and listened to the citizens opinions, I would like to post my newly revised platform from what I have learned. The following ideas are in no particular order.

* I would like to urge the completion of the Newbie Center. If it is completed, more citizens will feel welcomed into Whyville. This means our town grows larger, and with more citizens, we can have more attractions.

* Appreciation days were suggested to me by a citizen in my Senator Platform BBS. I think this is a fun and easy way to make citizens have a better time on Whyville. We can dedicate 12 days a year (one per month) to some sort of activity. This would keep events on Whyville constantly changing. Citizens will feel more welcomed, and maybe some good spirit will be awarded with the cause.

* I plan to rid Whyville of the Whypox, and finally have those BBS postings reviewed and overlooked. The Whypox has been a major source of disruptance among the new citizens, and it has caused them to abandon Whyville. Without the Whypox, new citizens would feel welcomed to the site, and most likely enjoy their stay here with us.

* I want to have Club Y members get a little more for their clams. I know that having one or more party and chat rooms wouldn't take up much room on the Whyville servers. The "Meet the Makers" every first Tuesday of every month is a great idea, and I hope to see that continued.

* I would like to see Good Merit awards for citizens who have shown amazing top notch behaviour throughout their stay at Whyville. Any citizen who has shown an amazing level of participation and kindness in Whyville should receive this prestigious award. Further development of this plan would have to take place with City Workers.

* I want to work in co-operation with senators Sonner and OrEoBaBy to bring back the Whyville Times Building. I think that this can be a new interactive way to making the times more enjoyable between citizens. The editor makes a large contribution to Whyville, and I would like to see his work go to some larger good.

* Having experienced the harsh reality of running for senator, I want a section or option specially designated for senators to post their platforms with all the other potential candidates.

* Lastly, but most importantly, I want to make it easier for senators to listen to citizens comments. That is, after all, what a senator is supposed to do. I want the senators more actively engaged in the petitions, making it easier for citizens to get their petitions to the polls.

With the help of all the Whyvillian citizens, I have come to realise these goals for my term of senator. I would like to remind you, once again, that I am always open to new ideas. If you have and Ideas, Comments, or Questions, please post them in the BBS below, or Y-mail them directly to me.

I would like to acknowledge the situation with the BBS threads and postings below. Many citizens are being very rude and impolite to the senator candidates, and I would like it to stop now. Please do not post anything that does not actively support your opinion with good cause. I would like to thank the following citizens for helping me defend myself from those such persons who have made cause for disrupting the senate race. Thank-you to Sonner, Brian98, hottiemb, outgoing, 8Dyay8D, kc12, NaeZ21, softbll12, backseat, kirbie393, JasmineK, 725step, FudgyFeud, Chilly321, wannagout, and sphiroth. Anyone who supported me in my campaign or who voted for me, I would like to thank all of you individually. Sadly, I cannot fit all of your names in this space.

On a final note to my fellow candidates; I would like to thank-you for your co-operation in the Whyville BBS postings. It is to my understanding that you are all very nice people, with the best intentions for Whyville. May the citizens of Whyville choose their seantor with faith, and good thoughts in mind.

Thanks again Whyville,



Hello fellow Whyvillians. I, Deriko, will be running for the position of Whyville Senator in the upcoming election. Through 2 years of experience, I have seen some of Whyville's past ideas, and future ambitions. Many ideas have been put to the test, and many have failed and worked. I've been watching the early senators, and been monitoring how they've progressed throughout the past year. I've spoken with city workers about several issues, and I have now come to realise Whyville's full capacity. I can see for myself what ideas will fail and work before they are put to the test. I can judge for myself which ideas will be too much for Whyville's capacity, or which ones will give Whyville the extra magic that allows us to expand our minds creatively as a community. Ideas that I have been thinking about come from the citizens themselves. A senator's job is not to take their own ideas, but to manipulate the ideas of citizens and hear Everyone's opinion. I have been listening closely to Everyone's opinion, and have ordered some of them below. I hope to see the following in my 6 month term of office: *Club Y isn't worth the clams to many citizens, and they want more. I plan to bring them one or more extra party rooms to allow more time to have fun! *I plan to work with senators sonner and oreobaby to create the long awaited times building, which will bring knowledge and chat to Whyville's friendly faces. *I plan to urge forward the development of the newbie center, and allow new citizens to gain more knowledge of the Whyville community. *I also plan to end the Whypox Disease that currently storms Whyville, and has been doing so since late October, 2003. I want new citizens to enjoy their first few days as a citizen, and not have to go through constant sneezing and what not. These ideas are just some of the many thoughts that you, the citizens, have brought forward to me. I would love to hear from you, and present your idea's to city workers. If they are worth-while, I promise that you will even be rewarded generously. I also plan to have an award of good-merrit provided to citizens throughout Whyville who have helped make Whyville a nicer place. I expect this medal will help Whyville improve its general behaviour, and stop much of the inapropriate language that has been displayed recently. If I am to be elected as your future senator, I believe that I may even be able to make whyville a happier place for citizens of All ages. Thank-you for taking the time to read my full petition, and the ideas presented here. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to Whymail me. Thanks again, Deriko.

Editor's Note: Post your questions for Deriko in the BBS below. He may answer them, or City Workers may use your questions for the Whyville Senator Debate, to be hosted on MONDAY at 4 p.m. Whyville Time by City Hall in the Greek Theater.


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