www.whyville.net Jul 11, 2004 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

Show Our Country's Pride

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Hey again, it's me, DiGsTeR02. This week I want to talk to you about something that I and many other people have noticed. Two weeks ago, Whyville got a few new chatrooms (the teleport planets) including Mars, Earth, Saturn, and the moon. To go there, all you have to do is say 'teleport mars' (or whatever planet you want to go to).

I found out about this by reading Bracelet's article, "Teleportation is Phun" (from the June 20th issue). After reading that, I decided to go to the Moon. I went into the Greek Theater and said 'teleport moon' and I looked around. This is what I saw.

"Hmm," I thought, "there's something missing...."

And then I realized; there was no Canadian flag there. I know, you're probably going to tell me that there is no Canadian flag on the real moon. I know this. But I think that Canada and America should be treated equally.

Most of the time, when people visualize the moon, they see it with an American flag on it. That's okay, because that's how it really is in real life. But my mind does not perceive it that way. I think that there should be a Canadian flag on the moon, along with an American flag and some other countries' flags. In my opinion, the American flag on the moon is a way to brag. It's sort of like saying, "Hey, I was the first one to land on the moon and you weren't."

But I want to change that. I want to make it so a bunch of countries are respected, not just one. You see, people from Whyville come from all over the world. I know that most of them come from the U.S.A., but does that make them any different? I don't think so. We all are similar in some way.

We need to put up different flags on the moon so each well-known country can be represented. I said only the well-known ones because the moon would be full if we put up every single country's flag! LoL!

I went to the moon with a Canadian flag in my hand, and someone asked me, "Are you going to put that in the moon?"

I told him, "Yes," as I found a small crevice in the moon's surface, and stuck the flag in it. He watched me, and cheered, "GO CANADA!!! =)"

Of course, that flag is not on the moon if you teleport there right now. I just wish Whyville's designers could put other countries' flags on the moon. We need to show our country's pride! Hehe. ;)

If you agree that there should be other flags on the moon, then post in the BBS which flag you want to be represented. See you later! :)

Truly Yours,

Editor's Note: The U.S. landed on the real moon, and nobody else has yet; should other countries get their flags on Whyville's moon, or should it represent what's actually there? A good question!


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