Hi. I'm here today to tell you that something very bad is happening.
Maybe it's just me, but it seems like clams are losing their value. I mean, you
can't even buy decent lips with 5 clams!
I was just doing some digging for the Geo Dig and I found several items
in a cave. When I went to the Treasure Hunt's Currency Exchange to trade them in for clams, I was kinda surprised. I found 1221 Rupees.
Apparently about 44 Rupees equal one clam.
At first I thought, "Wow! Just one trip is going to make me rich!" (Mind you, this
is without my doing any kind of math.) Then I tried to offer 50 clams for all of my
currency and the Currency Exchange person said, "No way, squert007! 50 clams?!?! What are you trying to do?
Hurt me? You're trying to rob me blind!"
I think Whyville needs to raise the clamage for the Currency Exchange or it will not
appeal to as many people. I myself just do it for fun, but there are a lot of
people that are only concerned about money.
-Trying to help, squert007-