A palindrome is a word or phrase that is spelled the same way backwards and
forwards -- you get the same exact word
or words. There are millions of palindromes in the world and here are a few!
Let's start with easy ones that anyone can figure out. Try spelling all of these
dump mud
dumb mud
And on to harder ones!
Dr. Awkward
Bell: a clang is a signal-call, Eb
A man, a plan, a canal: Panama.
Must sell at tallest sum.
Oh, who was it I saw? Oh, who?
Panic in a Titanic; I nap.
Too bad, I hid a boot.
Was it a car or a cat I saw?
He stops spots, eh.
He won a Toyota now, eh?
No lemons, no melon
Palindromes can be as hugely long, or as short as three letters.
If you want to tell me some other palindromes feel free to y-mail me!