I wanted to find out what some people thought about Whyville, and so I interviewed Mart, Amber8, and Sari. I asked these questions:
- How much is a good salary?
- Who makes the best clothes in Whyville?
- What is one thing we should add to Whyville?
First I spoke to Mart, and here are his answers.
1: 20 or 50.
2: Amber8.
3: A mall.
Then I turned to my friend, Sari.
1: 15.
2: Lemonmule/googles.
3: A jail, so people learn their lessons about cybering and swearing.
Last but not least, I turned to Amber8.
1: 50 to 60.
2: Azzkickr.
3: A bank.
And I? What do I think?
1: 100.
2: Bethany16.
3: I think that we should have a bank.