www.whyville.net Aug 22, 2004 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

No Carbs, No Life

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Many of you know about the Atkins diet and how many people are losing weight from being on this program. You can see foods being made low-carb in grocery stores and fast food restaurants across the country. If you're wondering, "What is Atkins?", well, I'm about to tell you what it is and what's wrong with it.

The Atkins diet is the elimination of carbohydrates from what you eat. It's supposed to result in weight loss, good health and euphoria. That is what Dr. Atkins believed.

I don't see how that can work, though. Taking away pasta, breads, wheat and any of those healthy carbs will result in a loss of energy. When you don't have energy, you can't exercise to help take away the weight. This is what researchers have to say about it at Duke University Medical Center:

First, it allows dieters to eat high-fat foods, including those high in saturated fat (steak, cheese, bacon). High intake of saturated fat is linked to heart disease and other health problems. Second, it eliminates nearly all carbohydrates. Dieters cut out not only sweets and snacks, but also many fruits, vegetables and grains. This goes against scientific evidence showing the health benefits of these foods.

The other bad thing about it is that you can get really bad breath. This is because of the loss of glucose sugars. You wouldn't want to take a breath mint every five minutes, would you?

Here are some sites you can look at to get more information about the dark side of the Atkins diet:


So, what I'm trying to say here is that it is not ALL bad to eat low carbs, but it is bad to eat NO carbs.

See ya later everybody,


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