www.whyville.net Sep 18, 2004 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

A Talk with a 'Why-Pass Seller'

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I have been hanging out at the trading post for a while and have seen many people saying "Why-Pass FOR SALE!" I know a few of my close friends have tried to buy one off of these people and have been given a fake Why-Pass so I decided to do some investigating to see who actually is a Why-Pass scammer?

When I was in the trading room looking for someone to interview, I came across Flirt6504 who was selling a Why-Pass. I asked her if I could interview her about Why-Passes and she said yes. Here is what I got:

hg19: I saw you in the Trading Post and you said you were selling a Why-Pass right?
Flirt6504: Yup.

hg19: Do you really have a Why-Pass to sell?
Flirt6504: Yes, why do you ask that?

hg19: Recently, I have heard that many people are selling fake Why-Passes in return for some free clams...
Flirt6504: Yes, I know that, and to be honest I have scammed a few people before by selling a fake Why-Pass, and I got muted for 3 days...

hg19: So do you plan to continue scamming people by giving them fake Why-Passes?
Flirt6504: Well, actually tonight in the trading post I wasn't going to scam -- I just had a birthday and received two Why-Passes. I decided to sell one, but I got scared because I know that you can get 911 reported, so I decided not to say "Why-Pass FOR SALE!" I would just wait until I saw anybody asking if someone had a Why-Pass for sale.

hg19: Last question: Do you think it is better to buy a Why-Pass safely from the Whyville store, or risk getting scammed by someone who is supposedly selling a Why-Pass?
Flirt6504: Um... probably risk it, because you have a 50% chance that they are telling the truth. Also because $20 is a lot of money to spend just so you don't have to sit in the waiting lobby.

hg19: Okay, so supporting Whyville is not important to you?
Flirt6504: It is very important. It's just that I think $20 is a little much.
hg19: Okay, thanks for your time.

Well, that was my interview with Flirt6504, a so-called Why-Pass seller.

Mainly I wrote this article to tell you to watch out for people who say they are selling Why-Passes because you never know who is telling the truth. It is just best to 911 report these people and let City Hall decide on their punishment.

If you want a Why-Pass really badly, just buy one from the Whyville store. Yes, $20 may seem a lot but it is much better then risking all your clams (and sometimes an account) for probably a fake Why-Pass... and remember it's for your whole lifetime! Help support Whyville and buy a Why-Pass! It's a favor for you and Whyville!

Thanks a bunch,

An update from City Hall herself!
Note from City Hall: Buying a Why-Pass from another citizen is risky business!! We can tell you that much much much more often than not, it is a scam. Here are some tips to spotting a scam:

  1. If the person asks for your password to buy the Why-Pass from your account, that's a guaranteed scam, or an extremely misguided person.
  2. If the person tries to sell you an account, saying that it has a Why-Pass already. You NEVER want to buy an account started by someone else, because you won't be able to change the parental email address. That means that the original owner will be able to take back the account any time!
  3. And frankly, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is... ask yourself, would *you* give away something worth real-world money for Whyville clams?

Ultimately, if you fall for a Why-Pass scam, you may lose much more than just your clams. You might lose your entire account. And there would be nothing us City Workers could do to help you. If this Why-Pass seller sells you a Why-Pass bought with a stolen credit card, well... when we learn about the stolen card, we have to revoke the pass, and we'd even have to banish your account over it!

So, please remember that buying a Why-Pass from another citizen is very very dangerous. Proceed at your own risk!! Better than that, simply file a 911 report so we can prevent scammers from hurting others!


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