I'm sorry this has to be an article criticizing the content of the Times. I am
deeply and truly sorry if you read this article and disagree with me. I'm sorry
for ranting. But I seem to be the only one who's going to say anything.
What happened to science articles in the Times? Is no one writing them anymore?
Is the Editor just not accepting them? What's the deal?
I've watched for countless weeks, waiting to see if there's even one real science article
posted up in the paper. For many weeks, there was no section for science at all.
Weeks where there was, it wasn't anything that had any substance. Anything at
all scientific can't be two short paragraphs long and have no educational value,
in my opinion.
I used to enjoy reading the Whyville Times for all the stuff I would learn from
reading it. And the majority of what I liked the most was science. Now
science in the Times is learning how to put two teaspoons of iced-tea mix into a glass of
water. I'm not criticizing the author, but seriously! The article contained 13
sentences, and I've already written more sentences in this rant... with plenty
more to go!
I bet you're wondering, Why don't I just write science articles for the
newspaper? I would, but I need inspiration. The stuff I'm interested in would no
way ever be accepted in the Times, and the only recent scientific debate going on is
about soda, something I barely drink. I could write another article on the
dangers of sugar or caffeine, but frankly, one article is enough. Furthermore, I already posted what
I know about the topic in the BBSes of the articles, so
unless people like to read the same exact thing over and over again, I'm not
going to submit it to the Editor.
All I've seen in the Times during the past few weeks are super-short fashion
articles telling people what parts are "in" and then people saying "you can't
tell me what to wear" in the BBSes. That and anything you could ever hope to
know about the latest Whyville senate race, which I don't participate in anymore.
Perhaps the term for senators should be longer so that it's not one election
after another. I don't even know who's running anymore, and most of the time it
doesn't even matter. It's basically just people saying stuff in their platform
that they won't even attempt to do or that the CWs would never go for. They're
supposed to be "the voice of Whyville," but I'm not even sure we need one.
That's what the petitions are for, right? But, when there is a worthy candidate
who doesn't look like everyone else on Whyville, people vote for the person
that's a clone of every other face on Whyville, but say that they voted for her
just because "she was the only girl." Give me a break, please.
So anyway, if you read all of that, great. It was certainly a lot longer than
the articles you're all used to. But if you didn't read it and skipped down to
here: basically, I'm
encouraging everyone to write an article on what they learned in science class
today, on the recent discoveries of the FDA, or any scientific topic that interests
you, or anything else at all relating to science and takes research.
And if you're going to post in the BBS telling me that we learn enough in
school, then why are you on Whyville in the first place?
Droppin' science like Galileo dropped the orange,