Hello my fellow Whyvillians! It is time for a new senator election, and I feel I can fit the shoes just perfect for the job. Whyville is like a second home to me and I would love to have some say on what goes on. Here are some of my ideas! Copyrighting Law: Ok this one is for all you designers out there. I definetly think we should be allowed to copyright a part we make, because we all know how it feels to look through the new arrivals and see your part remade. Maybe you would to pay to remake a part and get permission from the orginal maker. Maybe this could be a perk of a whypass? Plots: After careful thinking I decided I think this should be a perk of a whypass. All whypass holders would be allowed to have a plot. Club Why: I think we should keep the same price, no lowering it, since it wouldnt be fair to those who had already paid. Maybe we could even raise the price to make it more special? Mall: I will try to make this my first priority along with the "copyrighting law". I hope to get it up and running and word is all whypass holders will be allowed to buy special parts that blink and light up. Chatrooms: Divasis suggested more chatrooms, but I am not in favor of more. We already have plenty and there is no use taking up more server space, when we could make something else, like working on the mall. I will try and get these ideas into action as well as taking ideas from citizens. I am grateful for every vote I get, because winning a senator election has always been a dream for me. A vote towards me is a vote for a good change in Whyville. Lets work to make things better instead of worse. Lets start thinking about the future instead of always looking into the past =D Sincerly Hiphop26
Editor's Note: Post your questions for Hiphop26 in the BBS below. She may answer them, and/or City Workers may use your questions for the Whyville Senator Debate, to be hosted in two weeks by City Hall in the Greek Theater.