Hi, this is snikers00! I was reading the the September 26, 2004 article
"What's New in Whyville!" and found
that the Times Editor suggested we have a mascot for the paper.
*Plays superhero music*
Whyville, have no fear, snikers00 is here! I was thinking, what could
represent the best newspaper ever? Once I had enough thinking time, I
had the solution: An Owl!
An owl is very intelligent, and can represent the Whyville Times very
well! This owl wouldn't have to be a
normal-looking owl, though. It could be a colorful owl! Its bright
colors would represent the difference between every article written
Think of a name for the proud owl, everybody! If a colorful owl does
represent the Whyville Times, it should have a name, right? We could
get a poll on the front page. I am not saying a Colorful Owl will be the
Whyville Times mascot; this is just an idea.
Stay tuned for more ideas from other citizens, in the BBS and maybe in
another issue of the Times!