See last week's announcements to read more on READIER's businesses.
I am also a lawyer. There have been situations where people have been taking
advantage of other people to make their clams.
Fluer hired me to negotiate with tomdabomb to try and get some money out of
him. Why? Because Fluer and Jerr run a gang called the |D | | /\/\ |D's,
and all members have to wear a product of tomdabomb's called the yellow
adio hat. And I believe tomdabomb should pay Fluer and Jerr clams
because they have promoted tomdabomb's product. This is what I said
to tomdabomb:
Fluer has hired me to set a deal with you regarding the yellow hats
that you have designed. It is in the PIMP's interest that we will set a
contract stating an agreement entitling jerr and Fluer (co-owners of the
PIMP's) to a percentage of your profits.
This was tomdabomb's response:
What the hell are you talking about??? Signing a contract for my
yellow adio hat??? If you think I'm gonna let you get all the money for
them, I'm not gonna let you. Plus, I have 2 other colors of the hat being
made and those will make me even more money.
Then I wrote back to him this:
It is to my understanding that you have been taking advantage of the PIMP's.
You were using them as advertisements. The PIMP's has a lot of people in it
and they all have to wear your product. It would be nice of you to pay them
some clams because of what they have done, and are doing, to help your
product sell.
I made a mistake saying percentage of your profits, because there would
be no way of telling how much you are selling. I think one pay-off would
be a good way of telling. How much are you willing to offer? Keep in mind
that the PIMP's will greatly promote your product.
Tomdabomb has not responded to this. And I don't think he will. But after
hearing about this, I will not buy his yellow hat or his new colours.
Tomdabomb, if you are reading this would you just pay up! You have taken
advantage of the PIMP's.
I'm sure there are more businesses in Whyville, but this is what I am involved
in and I am making this public for ideas. Also, if you would like to be a model
and make clams that way, Y-mail me, READIER. And if your product isn't selling,
Y-mail me, READIER, because I am advertising for FREE right now, but not for
long, so hurry up!
My final say is, get involved in the busisnesses, it's very interesting how
~~~MAW~~~ and VOLT~~~> are connected. And the situation with tomdabomb and
the PIMP's. All I can say is, I'm helping Fluer, jerr, and the PIMP's get
some clams out of this. I hope my VOLT~~~> or ~~~MAW~~~ doesn't run into problems like the PIMP's and tomdabomb, lol.
This is READIER at his Whyville WORK.