My Face Factory can be awfully tough to get into, but do you know
what's worse than the wait? Getting a Y-mail telling you that the part
you just slaved over for an hour or three has been rejected! Avoid the
heartbreak and read my series of articles about what my Y-mail
rejections are -- and therefore, what you can do to avoid getting them.
This week's topic is Heads, Hair,
Arms and Hands, oh my!
Heads are some of the most important parts in Whyville. You can't have
a face without a head! Just remember that when you're making a head, it
needs to be a certain size, about 3/4 of the largest canvas you can use
to make parts. Only use the biggest size -- smaller canvasses won't be
big enough!
Like I said last week, we hope to have a template for this sometime
Now, I think it's totally great when people create heads that are all
kinds of shades, from realistic skin tones to bright, neon colors. But
you do have to choose a color! Some people outline their heads but
don't fill it in with a color. Yep, I'll have to reject those, too.
And speaking of color, a lot of folks would really love to make what
they call "concealer" or "cover-up." Sounds great, huh? Maybe you're
not allowed to wear make-up in real life, but there's no reason you
can't in Whyville, right?
Well, the problem is, some people will take these skin-colored patches
and make... *gasp* naked bodies! Okay, as silly as it sounds, some
people have nothing better to do with their time than to take
"concealer" pieces and create nude cartoon bodies. It's because of them
that we have to reject all cover-up that comes in a "normal" skin shade.
Let's think about happier things... how about hair? Whyville hair
designs are some of the most spectacular, intricate pieces of art I've
ever seen, anywhere! On top of their beauty, I'd never imagined that
you could use the shape of your hair to determine the shape and size of
your head, but a few years ago a few Whyvillian designers figured it
out. Very cool.
However, this technique has created a small issue -- that is, you have
to make sure the opening in the hair part is big enough to show a
really Whyvillian-sized face. When we have the head size template,
that'll help with this, too.
Now, when you're making arms and hands, the number one thing to
remember is to always, always draw an outline around the part. This
helps to better define shapes, especially when they are skin-colored.
Also keep in mind that we don't allow arms that go across the screen --
people have been using horizontal arms to create naked bodies and
exposed tummies. Arms like that sure were fun while they lasted, though!
And as for hands, there's all kinds of things you can do with them, but
don't create simple, empty hands. Empty hands or those making signs
like "Hang Loose"
can easily be changed by rude people to show inappropriate signs like
the middle
finger. Bleah.
As always, never forget to click the "submit" button after drawing your
face part. If you forget to, you'll get a note from me stating that
your face parts were not received by my workshop.
And finally, please remember the very first rule listed in the Face
Factory: No
refunds for workshop time! If you don't complete your part or Akbar
doesn't approve your part design, Akbar will NOT refund the clams you
spent. This is one of the risks of submitting parts to Akbar's.
Want to learn more? Go read Part 1.