www.whyville.net Nov 21, 2004 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

Can't I Just Hybernate?

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Odds are, you probably haven't heard of it. Let me give you a definition.

This syndrome has a variety of neurological symptoms (effects in your brain), but the classic ones are: Always feeling tired; sore throat; mouth sores; and, especially in children, just a bunch of weird headaches. If left untreated, this disease can take over your life.

Many people and doctors don't beleive in this disease, though it IS real. Chronic fatigue, or CFIDS for short, feels awful and can lead to depression and even suicide.

How do I know so much? I didn't just pick up a book and read about it. My older sister and I have CFIDS, and she let it take over her life. She is depressed and won't do anything to help herself. She is 20 and has had CFIDS since the 8th grade. I have just started the 8th grade now, but I WON'T let this disease rip away the best years of my life, my childhood.

Are you interested in learning about CFIDS? There's a really good book out there called Running On Empty by Katrina H. Berne, Ph.D.

Please, don't be a skeptic. Try to be sensitive around people who have this illness. CFIDS is not something you can catch, so don't worry about that.

Hope to see you later!
"MuchAdo and CFIDS"


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