Got Senate Candidates? Once more into the breach, dear friends... Check out this week's issue to meet this election's candidates, who earned more than 900 of your votes between the three of them. You'll be seeing them at the Senate Debate, to be held about two weeks from now.
Here are your official candidates!
- biddygurl
- babygrace
Read these platforms thoroughly -- you'll be choosing the next Whyville Senator from this group. Consider what they've said, make suggestions and, as always, be polite in your comments. We want Whyville politics to be better than the junk you often see in real life, right? As the founder of Whyville always says, kids can do things better than adults, in every way. :-)
You can also post your suggested questions for the debate in this article's BBS.
Don't know what's up with this whole Senate thing? Check out this article to get all the explanations you could want!
In other political news, I'd like to give notice to Jilly3, who made the race for the top three incredibly tight -- she was neck and neck with babygrace until the last 24 hours, when babygrace netted 20 more votes. Congratulations to Jilly3! Better luck next time. :)
The City Workers apologize for not opening up Christmas Tree Lane on Hanukkah -- we normally like to have it available for folks to play the dreidel game, they said, but with the move of the Tiki Hut and the new Museum, Christmas Tree Lane just didn't know where to appear -- in Whyville Square or in Whyville West?!? Oh no! Fortunately, this has been cleared up, and the Lane should be appearing sometime very soon. Enjoy the dreidel, and don't forget to decorate a Christmas Tree ornament!
ADDED 12/15/04 Speaking of apologies, I want to send a great big I'M SORRY!!! to cobd, for calling her a he in last week's "What's New in Whyville!" I truly do not know what I was thinking... my only excuse is that I think she was wearing a "snowman" face at the time. I'm sorry cobd! :)
/End of apology./
And speaking of the Getty Museum, some folks have reported a bug where the ArtSets game immediately says "Game Over" as soon as they click start. I want to let you know the City Workers are on the hunt for that bug, and expect to exterminate it soon (if they haven't already).
On the positive side, you can now get into the top eight players of ArtSets! Check out the welcome page to see who the best ArtSets players are....
The December 2 Trivia Hour game saw former Senate candidate Soccer678 rake in 400 clams, and Trivia perennial gold837 take home 100. Other winners included JasmineK, lexy32600 and Kendra8, who each won 50 clams, and Jilly3, who earned 25 clams.
That's it for this week. Thank goodness it's not as much as last week!
Times Editor