www.whyville.net Dec 12, 2004 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

Locker Invasion

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Just the other day, I knelt down to my bottom locker to get my math workbook. I was in a noisy, crowded hallway and I was about to be late for class. I opened my lock and grabbed my workbook without thinking about why someone was standing behind me. I stood up and almost knocked one of my classmates down because he was standing so close.

I didn't realize it then, but he had seen me open my lock and had read my combination!

A series of events followed that first day. My lock was put on the opposite direction (the dial on the inside) so that it was difficult to get unlocked. This happened several times a day. The manipulation led to things like my magnets and pens going missing from my locker. It got so bad that he actually took my Spanish book I needed for class that day! (Needless to say, I didn't get it back in time for class!)

All the items were returned to my locker eventually, but many of them had gone missing for several days. I finally connected the series of recent events tp that day when my classmate was looking over my shoulder, too close. It finally hit me that that boy looking must have been the one breaking into my locker.

The thefts and "pranks" were a total invasion of my property and privacy. I had always thought having a locker was kind of fun, but now it's just a hassle. Even though every item was returned over time, I still had no idea where my possessions were going or if they would come back once stolen.

Other students at my school like to switch people's locks with other people, and then make them play a guessing game to get it back. THAT'S TOTALLY MEAN AND UNFAIR!

Most people just use their lockers for books and school items, but others decorate the insides with pictures of friends and magnets. I think this makes the locker even more intriguing to break into.

Word to the wise: Don't give out your combination! Even if your best friend asks for it, just say no. You never know who might overhear it or see the piece of paper you wrote it down on.

Plus, you never know who could end up with that paper. You don't want the person you gave the combination to to be pressured by people coming up to them and saying, "I want to put a note in your friend's locker... can you give me the combination?" If your friend is "too" nice, she probably won't keep your code a secret.

Lockers can be fun, if you're safe with them. It sounds crazy to be worried about your locker, but if you stay safe, then you won't have to worry about it. Hope you have better locker days than me!

This is SwEeTp61 saying BE LOCKER SAFE!


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