www.whyville.net Dec 21, 2000 Weekly Issue


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Whyville events & businesses

    Master of Contests

Hello, fellow Whyvillians. As you may know, well you probably did not know, there was a huge beauty contest that was supposed to be held on December 3. It was in the Times a long, long, long time ago which is the reason I am rescheduling this huge event. It will be held on Tuesday, December 26 at 4:00 PM Whyville time in the Auditorium but if you're like a lot of Whyvillians, you want to know when it is Ontario time: 7:00 PM.

Well, enough about that let's get into the contest. This will by far be the biggest contest ever held in Whyville -- I am giving away 500 clams! This is how it works. I will chose five males and five females and they will be the ten nominees and they will receive 10 clams each. So far I m giving away 100 clams.

Then I will chose two from each gender and they will each receive 50 clams. So far I m giving away 300 clams. Then I will eliminate two people one by one, leaving two people left. Then I will chose the winner of the contest and she/he will receive 200 clams. Making me give away 500 clams. To put this in simpler turms it is like this...

1st Place -- 260 clams.
2-4th Place -- 60 clams.
6-10th Place -- 10 clams.

Do you have what it takes?



by Sporty203
    Dating Service Organizer

Hi, this is Sporty203,

This is my first article in the Whyville Times, so I am a little new at this! Ok, people always ask if you are single and sometimes it might get a little embarrasing if you're married or sometin' like that, so... I am starting an agency called Couples 'R' Us! All you have to do is Y-mail me with a little info about yourself, and I will set you up with someone that is like you, and if you like the the person you get, just give me 2 clams!

Thanx, Sporty203



by Andy109
    Competitive Advertiser

I have created a new advertising company called ~!!!*Zphyer*!!!~ or ~!Z!~ for short. Unlike VOLT~~~> advertising, ~!Z!~ assigns people to different areas such as...

Job Person
Times Writer Andy109
Plane banners Lilymon
BBS posting (OPEN)
Runners* (OPEN)

*People who run around with only your face part on or telling about your company/ideas. In other words we advertise your products, contests, lotteries and other stuff. Best of all it's FREE! So we're looking for you! So far we have 2 jobs open and thinking of others. I pay people 10 clams a month for working with the ~!Z!~.

Note from ~!!!*Zphyer*!!!~: I am not putting VOLT~~~> down, I just thought it would be fun if there would be another company that does advertising. And if READIER wants I am willing to either withdraw my company after some number of time or think about merging with VOLT~~~>.



by Littlesweetkitty
    In the Christmas Spirit

Hi everyone! First, everyone is going out and buying all new clothes for Christmas and getting new looks! Well, I am gonna hold a Christmas Outfit contest! The outfit that is most voted on for Christmas will be the winner! Not only will the winner get the fame but he/she will also get 50 clams! Vote for your friends and everyone else!

Good Luck and don't spend all your clams! Have Fun! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!




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