www.whyville.net Jan 2, 2005 Weekly Issue

Senate Debate Transcript

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City Hall

The Official Whyville Senate Debate is about to begin...

City Hall

Hello everyone! Welcome to the official Whyville Senate Debate


Hi. =)




=D HI!

City Hall

WOw, quite a vociferous crowd we have today!

City Hall

Welcome to our three candidates, PUNKnPIE, biddygurl and babygrace!

City Hall

Congratulations to you three!!!


Thank you. =)


thank you



City Hall

Okay, we'll start off with opening statements by our three candidates

City Hall

Audience, I ask that you pay careful attention, and continue to be positive -- it's nice to see all this cheering and no jeering :)

City Hall

Our first opening statement will be from PUNKnPIE

City Hall

PUNKnPIE, feel free to take a podium

City Hall

The other two, please step to the side of the stage, like me

City Hall

>PUNKnPIE: your statement?


Choosing a senator that best represents you can be challenging. Although every idea they note may not be one you want.


Their ideas should be the things you feel would better your whyville experiance

City Hall

*claps* thank you PUNKnPIE!


If elected I will do my best to represent everyone in all I do. THANK YOU!

City Hall

Our next statement will be from biddygurl


I would just like to say thank you to everyone who helped me get this far and supports me.


I know that being a senator is a challenge, but I'm up to that challenge.



City Hall


City Hall

Thank you biddygurl -- our third candidate, babygrace, will now give us her opening statement


Thank you for all of your support.. I really appreaciate it, this has been very stressful.


and good luck to Brit and Kennedy we're awesome for making it this far!


(: the end

City Hall

Thank you babygrace!

City Hall

Everyone, please keep your comments a little quieter and continue to keep your minds open during the debate. Thanks! :)

City Hall

Now, I have an opening question for all three candidates

City Hall

First, I have a general question for all three of you to answer -- you can answer all at once, if you like.

City Hall

You each have a very high salary in Whyville -- from 95 to 112 clams a day, very close to the maximum of 124! How did you manage to earn so much, and how would you encourage folks to work on their own salaries?


I just played the games, and I think that if you stick to it, you'll find that they're very easy and fun at the same tim




when I first started I had lots of advise from friends who gave me tips. I encourage all to start with the easier games


I worked hard for my salary... and finally got what I wanted. If someone wants something bad enough they need to work


that makes it where you understand the harder ones better.


for it... and ask around because a lot of people on Whyville are very helpful when it comes to that kind of stuff


should i rewrite that?

City Hall

*claps* great answers all of you -- I'm very proud to see our candidates earning so much!





City Hall

Now for our first individual questions

City Hall

My questions all relate to your platforms, which I hope everyone has read in the Times newspaper!

City Hall

The first question is for PUNKnPIE

City Hall

Please take one of the podiums :)

City Hall

This is a long one...


ok...i type slow lol

City Hall

In your platform, you mentioned asking Akbar to increase the colors in the Factory palette. Do you know that web browsers often limit the number of colors you can see?

City Hall

So if the factory offers other colors, your parts may end up looking very lousy on some people's screens. Does this concern you?

City Hall

Audience, please hold your questions for later.


Yes I was aware of that. But Iknow that the java downloads have made it where I was able to see more on whyville


If it would caouse more people to not see it then I suppose I would rethink it

City Hall

Okay, thank you! *claps*




good job :)

City Hall

Our next question is for babygrace

City Hall

Please take a podium :)

City Hall

In your platform, you've suggested getting rid of plots

City Hall

How would you determine which citizens would get apartment housing? If everyone did, that would be a million apartments...



City Hall

many more than what's available now. How could we restrict this to keep it fair without abusing the servers?


Well, if there would be a limit of say 4 to each apartment, and they would have to pay rent so that way everyone could h


have a chance at livving in apartment..


I don't think it's fair that only whypass holders would get an apartment, people who own plots now should get first dibs

City Hall

A follow up question: So, if you couldn't afford rent, you wouldn't be able to have an apartment?


Like in Akbars, you have to pay rent for a store spot


it would be kind of like that

City Hall

I see. Thanks! *claps*



City Hall

Our next question goes to biddygurl

City Hall

Your platform asks for more games in which citizens can win instant clams. Why do you think this is important?


I think it's important because some of the games are hard, or out of use, so people may get discouraged.


Besides, the games are educational.

City Hall

A follow-up question: But you earn so many clams a day - do you think others should work on the games as much as you have?


They don't have to, but it would benefit their learning and their salary.

City Hall

okay, thank you! *claps*

City Hall

For those who have just arrived, this is the official Whyville Senate Debate -- ina few hours, you'll be able to choose the next Whyville Senator!

City Hall

Babygrace, the next question is for you

City Hall

City Workers are in fact working on a jukebox for Whyvillians -- it may not be as extensive as the music room you've suggested, but it is coming.

City Hall

One of our concerns is to encourage citizens to create original music, and not copy copyrighted stuff. Do you think that will be a problem, and what can we do to encourage original music?


There could posibly be contests to who makes the most original song.. or something along that line, and the winner could


recieve a prize

City Hall

PUNKnPIE, the next question is for you...

City Hall

You also suggest being able to send more than one face part from one account to another -- but this would make it much easier for scammers to steal parts.

City Hall

Are you sure being able to send multiple parts at once is a good idea, and why or why not?


I often send multiple gifts to friends and I think it would a great addition. As for scammers people should keep..

City Hall

Everyone remember that passwords aren't always guessed....


keepp their password a secret and not trust anyone with it.




So YES i still think it would be a great addition.

City Hall

A follow-up question: So you feel those who give out their passwords do not deserve the extra protection of only being able to send one part at a time?


No, I dont. But if they give out their password maybe that would be a good life lesson.

City Hall

I see. Thanks for your answer! *claps*


I dont mean it mean, but people are warner over and over again not to give it out.


thank you

City Hall

I want to take this moment to remind everyone that your password can be in danger even when you take over *someone else's account* -- so never offer your password or take anyone else's!

City Hall

Now we have a question for biddygurl

City Hall

You have asked that Whyville allow new citizens to take over old names. This would be very time consuming for city management...

City Hall

...and could easily delay new games and better activities on the site. Which is more important? Old names or new games?


New games, but the old names definatly annoy people.


I think everyone who's run into that "this name has already been taken" notice can agree with that.

City Hall

*claps* I appreciate your feelings, biddygurl!

City Hall

I appreciate biddygurl and other folks' concerns, but the fact is, new people taking over old names is both a safety problem and a very complicated technical problem, so it's not likely to ever happen...

City Hall

I'm glad that the issue has come up so we can explain that more fully. Thanks!

City Hall

I don't mean to say this to bring biddygurl down -- it's fair for her to express her opinion! :-)

City Hall

Okay, now we move on to another question for babygrace

City Hall

Why do you think Grandma doesn't donate your face parts to newbies?


Everytime I went to see if Grandma gave me a part that I had just donated all I would get were the starter parts or not

City Hall

But many folks seem concerned that their parts simply go away


at all....


but then I heard that it takes time for the parts to get there


so now I really don't know....


Do newbies get the parts or not?

City Hall

Excellent answer! I'm really glad to see all our candidates are learning more about Whyville, and helping everyone else learn too! :)

City Hall

The truth is, newbies do get the parts you donate -- as long as your parts aren't expiring of course -- but it does take some time to go from her "in" box to her "out" box...



City Hall

(for those who wonder, oldbies usually can't get parts from Grandma... she just tells you she has no parts available...)

City Hall

Our next question goes to PUNKnPIE

City Hall

In your original platform, you suggested we delete old accounts. You removed this from your newer platform. Why?


I had realized that would cause people to impersonate old members if that happened.

City Hall

(Is it because you learned that deleting old accounts won't help the Whyville server or database?)

City Hall

And yes, the safety issue is extremely important as well


I did hear that it didnt take up much server space, but really i thought about how i would feel if i saw an old friend a

City Hall

How do you feel about old accounts now, then?

City Hall

Should we leave them alone, or spend a lot of effort to make some of them okay for use?


I still would like to be able to choose a name that has not been on in over a year, but there are more important issuse

City Hall

*claps* thank you PUNKnPIE!

City Hall

And my final question goes to biddygurl

City Hall

After this, I'll take a few questions from the crowd

City Hall

You've suggested that Club Why have several levels of membership. Can you brainstorm a few benefits for various levels?


Well, the benefits now are testing out new games, access to the club why room, parties, and getting your picture taken


So really, if we divide them up, the less used ones at the bottom of the chain, there would be your list.


And I'm pretty sure the picture thing is broken.


So maybe we could get that fixed. ^.~

City Hall

*claps* Thank you!

City Hall

Now we'll take a few questions from the audience... if we have time, the candidates may ask questions of each other, and then their closing statements


What are all your opinions on platform stuffing?


so many questions...

City Hall

I'll choose the best questions and post them on the board above

City Hall

What are your thoughts on what cobd asked?


I'd put both bribing and platfor stuffing in with cheating, and I think they're very wrong.


I feel that it is wrong. I had many people say they would vote for me if I paid them and I said No thank you.


I think it is horrible.. if someone truely wants to win then they should campaign


Biddy, what do you estimate the packages would cost?


I think that a candidate should have enough faith in their platform to win fairly.


what packages?


Those prices would obviously be determind, but I was thinking 100 for picture (if we got it working again)

City Hall

Club Why packages...


and then adding in another perk would make it be worth maybe 300


then for three I'm figuring aroung 500


(A few folks asked if PUNKnPIE felt there were more important issues than the ones she has suggested regarding Akbar's and the Face Factory.)


Absolutely. There are more important issues. I had to choose what do we d o most on here and thats make our person look


like a representaion of ourself and our personality.


(Someone asked if the punishments for misbehavior in chat should be made more serious, or less.)


I think it depends on what they were punished for. Also what other punishments are being suggested.


Personally, I think that the punishments are treated reasonably, but sometimes the server catches thing out of contexts.


I think the punishments are fine how it is now

City Hall

*claps* all great answers and great questions, by the way!


No, I think everyone makes mistakes, and that we should just leave it how it is.


I agree...


I have not thought a lot about that, but I think we could use more helpers so something does have to change.


What about the money problem in whyville? How can we make money and get sponsors?

City Hall

One more question after zimmer12's here

City Hall

A general question for all candidates...


So we have more server space?


Well, I suggested in one of my BBS posts about my bank idea that we could give rewards for people who find sponsers.


Buy whypasses and look around your town for sponsers.... theres not really much we can do


It would definatly encourage people to go out and find sponsers.




Money is an issue with every organization.Maybe whyville can email a flyer that can be printed and we take it to ..


business people we know in our community.

City Hall

*claps* okay, last question....

City Hall

A nicely general question...


(Someone asked what was the most important part of each candidate's platform, in their opinion.)


I don't think that there is a most important thing, but more like things that people would like better.


Personally, I think that a bank is most important from my list.


If I had to narrow it down I think I would try and make more games that help with salary. For instance even more zero..


gravity rooms. Fix the games that already exhist.


I think music would be neat... there could be agame that went a long with it for more salary

City Hall

*claps* thank you, candidates!

City Hall

babygrace has a Q for punknpie


Since many of your ideas are based on the face factory, how would this help non whypass holders


Because EVERYONE buys parts not just pass holders. Improvinf the parts would be a good thing for everyone not just desi


after all who are the designers designing for!

City Hall

*claps* good answer

City Hall

Do you have other questions, candidates?


I have a question for biddygurl too...


About your different levels of club why.... what about the current club why members?


I believe the current members should start out at the top, they did afterall pay for all the top perks.


what about the picture stuff.... did you say something about that or did I dream it


I said that it doesn't work, so that it should probably get fixed.

City Hall

biddygurl/punknpie, do you have questions for the others?


I have a question for them.


It's the same question for both.


In the past, senators have had great ideas for improving Whyville, but many of them weren't accomplished.


What makes you different and more likely to accomplish these things than the past senators.


All I can do is try my hardest.... even if I dont get elected senate I plan on looking for someone to sponser the music


We are only here to bring attention to issues to city hall. I will work hard at keeping in touch and active in that proc




Thanks. =)




i have a question for both of you as well


How would you suggest to a new citizen they raise their salary. What games would you improve?


Well, as I suggested there should be a new game, and also, with the spin the objects game, I'm pretty sure one of those


is broken too


The last time I played the spin game I couldn't figure out what to do for the last one...


maybe theres a way to make it easier


good answer me either =)

City Hall

*claps* Thanks everybody!

City Hall

And finally, the three candidates will give us their closing statements, starting with babygrace

City Hall

Please take a podium :)

City Hall

After the closing statement,s the candidates may stick around to answer more questions from you


Thanks again for all of the support. It'd be awesome if I got elected, but either of these girls would make an amazing



City Hall

*claps* yay babygrace

City Hall

Our next closing statement will be from PUNKnPIE


I would like to wish the other cadidates the best of luck. Voters I hope you found my ideas promising. THANK YOU

City Hall

*claps* yay PUNKnPIE

City Hall

And our third and final statement comes from biddygurl!


I would like to wish my fellow candidates good look, and thank my supporters for helping me get here.


Without you guys, I never would have gotten this far.


Oh, and thanks to Mike, because he's persistant.

City Hall

*claps* yay biddygurl

City Hall

Congratulations to all three of our candidates for getting so far in the Race!

City Hall

They may all stick around and answer your questions, but they're not required to stay. Thank you all for coming to the official Senate Debate!

City Hall

The Senate Debate is over -- it will be posted in the Times in a few days. Meanwhile, the vote will go up soon, and last for one week!


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