Once more into the breach, dear friends... and this time, with
Check out this week's issue to meet this election's candidates
-- all four of them. Yes, for the first time in Whyville's Senate history, there
was essentially a three-way tie for one of the Top 3 platforms. Moocow007, Rhinoryan
and Ninja04 all earned almost exactly 150 votes apiece, giving them all the
right to participate in the next stage of the race.
This means the Senate Debate will include four people, so it
will be extra big -- and probably take close to two hours, so be prepared! The
Debate will be held about two weeks from now.
Here are your official candidates!
- sk87
- Moocow007
- Rhinoryan
- Ninja04
Read their platforms thoroughly -- you'll be choosing the next
Whyville Senator from this group. Consider what they've said, make suggestions
and, as always, be polite in your comments. We want Whyville politics to be
better than the junk you often see in real life, right? As the founder of Whyville
always says, kids can do things better than adults, in every way. :-)
You can also post your suggested questions for the debate in
this article's BBS.
The candidates often send in updated versions of their platforms
to the Times, so be sure to come back next week to see them.
Don't know what's up with this whole Senate thing? Check out this article to get all the explanations you could