Every day, you come on to Whyville to talk to your friends, make new friends
or play games. Did you notice how most of the citizens here are girls? The explanation
for that is easy; you can choose how you look! But, as everyone knows, you need
clams to make a perfect face.
The way people earn clams on Whyville, as most of you know, is to play games.
But what most people don't realize is that the games we play actually teach
us things.
I'll name a few: In SmartCars, we learn about circuitry. The Ion Engine football-like
game teaches us about electric charges. The Skater game and Spin Lab teaches
how different objects and people spin differently. Every game you play teaches
you about different subjects.
Even the hunts teach us things; the Treasure Hunt teaches geology and history,
while GeoDigs teach about different rocks, how they are made and where to find
them. The new Getty Museum Art Hunt helps you get a good eye for art class.
Any game you play in Whyville teaches you something.
The Why-Pox even teaches you things. When we went to the CDC to find out what
was going on and we played those games, we learned a lot about how diseases
spread through a community. We learned about graphs and data, too!
Whyville helped me in school; my teacher recently asked me if I knew anything
about electric charges before we started our unit on the topic. I amazed him
by telling him what I learned on Whyville. When I told him I learned it from
a popular website's game, he told everyone to "go play football on Whyville
for homework!" The next day, all of the students that did their homework
knew what I did about electric charges.
There you have it. Whyville is not just a fun place to hang out, it teaches
you, too!
This is jassecle with a small j, leaving you wondering, "Does it
really teach me?"