Congratulations to sk87 for winning the latest Whyville Senate Race! See City
Hall's article in this week's issue for info about our new Senator.
Sk87's official inauguration will be held later this week in the Greek Theater.
The next Senate election will start in a few weeks.
Speaking of the election, did you like the "Senate Central" article
we had in last week's Times? Let me know in the BBS below!
Now, what about this week's Times? Yes, as you may have noticed, it's an all-poetry
issue! We haven't had one of these in a long while. The recent spate of great
poetry submissions spurred me to put this paper together, but after a little
research I found Archibald MacLeish, who was born on May 7, 1892. A minor American
poet of the modernist vein, his most favorite poem says this:
"A poem should not mean / but be."
Consider that as you read and enjoy this week's paper. Does it apply to each
poem? What does it really mean?
Also being enjoyed lately is the new Welcome Page for our newest citizens.
It helps them communicate with our Y-mail Helpers and explore the help tools
in Whyville. A pair of Helpers have praised the new setup as "much better
and more focused than the old one," according to City Hall.
You may also be glad to know that the search tool in the Whyville Times has
been improved. When searching for a phrase consisting of two or more words,
you can enclose the phrase in the quotes, e.g. "newbie center". That
makes sure that the articles you find only have "newbie center" in
it, and not just newbie or just center.
We won't have a Media Menu this week, or a Media Hour. The MediaWiz is outta
Those of you who attended the Senate Debate probably noticed a surprising number
of empty seats. City Hall had some ideas why it was happening, but a new solution
cropped up this week. Turns out the number of citizens who could get into the
room was turned down a bit shortly before the Debate. That number has been bumped
back up to the usual, which should keep the seats in full use during our busiest
That's it for this week,
Times Editor