"D.A.M. -- That's Good Art!" the T-shirts read. Funny, though some
people might call it crude. But it's for a good cause: the Denver Art Museum.
I was in Denver, Colorado, for a ski trip two or three months ago, and my group
and I decided to stop by the local museum. I'm definitely thankful for that
bout of boredom that led us there!
Denver isn't exactly where most people look when they think of great art, but
the city is lucky to have a little pot of mostly modern art gold in its hands.
First, let's look at the outside. The largely modern museum is falling apart
-- or so it looks like. The building was specially designed to look, well, modern.
The town members don't all like it, but I personally think that the design adds
something special to the gray, blah look that is so typical of downtown Denver.
The outside alone is its own work of art!
Now let's move on to the inside. There are about six stories worth of art
that varies from glass vases to decorative furniture, Native American styles
to just plain weird. What is also special about the museum is that it has an
enormous amount of spaces for kids, places that even the adults in our group
found extremely entertaining. For instance, there were many stops that had a
notebook and pencil in front of a painting. The sign said to draw your own rendition
in the picture. It was awe-inspiring to see the different views of this one
thing all drawn on paper. It nearly brought tears to my eyes.
Oh yeah, and did I mention that the sinks in the bathroom sing to you? It's
an exhibit they have. When you turn the water on, your sink sings "Row
row row your boat". If you turn on multiple sinks, they harmonize.
I was almost too scared to wash my hands. I didn't know whether to laugh or
cry. ;-)
The gift shop was fun to look around in, too. It had quite a variety of merchandise,
ranging from children's art videos to coffee cups made out of slate that you
can write on to beautiful handmade jewelry. The workers at the museum were also
very helpful, and were extremely polite to the guests.
Finally, I don't think anyone complained about the food at the museum, seeing
as my group absolutely gorged themselves on it. On the whole, the atmosphere
of everything was really nice.
I would definitely encourage anyone in the Denver area to go and check this
museum out, because it's absolutely worth the trip!
One last note before I bid you goodbye: The museum is free for Denver-ians,
and the price for non-residents is very minimal. Thought you'd like to know.
Signing off for tonight (or today... whenever you may happen to read this)...
this is Angel1170!
(Photos borrowed without permission.)
Editor's Note: Angel1170's submission here comes in response to the
Whyville Classified ads published in previous Times issues. On top of being
published, she will receive 150 clams for her excellent report on the Denver
Art Museum. Thanks, Angel1170!
Reviews of your own local museums and cultural centers are welcome. Keep
writing, everybody!