I'm Canadian. To be exact, I'm from Saskatchewan! And I'm proud to show it! If you'll just look you'll notice I'm completely green and yellow. Yes, those are our wonderful colors:) Plus I have our beautiful flag. So show off your spirit and try some of these clothes!
If you're Canadian Try These!
* A SwEEt *CaNaDa HaT* (This is a cool hat for only 25 clams)
* made in CANADA (another cool hat for the price of 25!)
* CANADIAN HOODIE (this is a sweet hoodie, people! And it only costs 25 clams!)
* canadian blob mickeymo7 (this is definalty a cool blob;) Only 30 clams!)
* Canadian eh (Super cheap (8 CLAMS!) and awesome!)
* !!!!~^* CaNaDa FlAg *^~!!!! (And of course, do not forget the flag! Only 25 clams!)
American? Try these!
* American Spirit- Patriotic Shirt (Cool shirt! Only 24 clams)
* An All-American Gurl (Another cool shirt! Really pretty! 25 clams)
* USA Girls Top (another shirt! Really professional, aha! 35 clams)
* USA tounge~Steven785~ (Couldn't resist . . . Funny! 15 clams!)
* American Flag (The flag! 28 clams)
* American Badge (Really pretty and neat. 25 clams)
Here???s some more flags for you!
* SpanishFlagRequest#SciFi Studios
* Greek Flag #SciFi Studio# (35 clams)
* German Flag #SciFi Studios# (35 clams)
* China Flag #SciFi Studios#(35 clams)
* Texas Flag #SciFi Studios# (35 clams)
* Jamaican Flag#SciFi Studios# (35 clams)
* FlagOf Italy#SciFi Studios# (35 clams)
* PolishFlag#SciFi Studios# (35 clams)
* Flag of Newfoundland (28 clams)
* FlagOfAustralia (28 clams)
There are many more flags if you just search "Flag"! Thanks for listening! Or rather reading. . .
Saskatchewan Chick Signing Off!