Hello, I'm ThinkPnk, and I'm going to give you advice on how to not get hacked!
Many citizens of Whyville fall for the tricks that hackers use to get on your account. I was one of them. On my old account, someone came up to me at the sunroof and said, "Hey, do you want an
account?" I thought it was just a harmless gesture, but I thought wrong. She gave me the password and username (even though I didn't ask for them). I thought, "Well, it's not like anything bad is going to happen! I might as well get on the account, just to see if she really gave me the right password." So, I got on it, and it was the right password. I immediately got off, but when I tried to get back on my account, it said my password was wrong! I tried to have it sent to my parents e-mail, but then I remembered that I had made up a fake e-mail address.
Sadly, I had to start over. With some help from my friends, I have recovered from this awful event. Another way that I have noticed people trying to hack is sending y-mails saying stuff like, "Congratulations! You have qualified for being a City Worker! Please fill out the following information: username, password, first name, last name, etc." Most Whyvillians know not to give out your password no matter what! A real City Worker would never ask you for your password!
Earlier today I got a y-mail saying to visit some site. She claimed that it was like another Whyville. I was really excited! I went to the website that she had told me. There was a sign in place that looked exactly like the one on Whyville, so I typed my Whyville username and password. Then something came up saying, "The username ----- and the password ----- has been sent to -----@yahoo.com" I immediately changed my Whyville password and email!
Don't fall for any of these hacking tricks and remember, always give out the right parental e-mail
Thank you for your time,