For months and days I have been waiting for football season to begin . . . and finally it has. I'm sure all of you are as happy as me.
One for sure way to know if you love football is if the longest days of your life are Tuesday's all the way through Saturday because you want to see all the games on Sunday and the special game on Monday.
It's always a joy to watch your favorite football team on TV and just sit at the edge of the couch thinking, "Is the penalty on my team?"
I personally like the Steelers with that Ben Roethlisberger, "Big 7 Ben," and all the wide receivers. Everybody on the team does a spectacular job. But that's just my opinion.
Most people like the Patriots. I mean they're good and all, but oh well. I'm still just happy that football has begun.
Towards the end of the season I'll write another article for the Times announcing who has made it to the Playoffs, and things like that.
Well I gotta go get to the TV because I think the Steelers are on.
Running to the television. LoL
Editor's Note: I am also a huge Steelers fan. My favorite player is Jerome Bettis, aka "The Bus." I love watching him break tackles, it seems like he can get through anything!