www.whyville.net Oct 16, 2005 Weekly Issue

Senate Candidate

BeeZD's Senate Platform

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Hello citizens of Whyville! This is BeeZD, and this is my second time running as Senator. I have had this account since December 9th, 2001.I make 104 clams a day and I have submitted several articles for the Times over the years. I have come up with a couple of ideas that I will try to take the steps that are involved in getting them, or most at least, into action. I hope you take the time to read my whole platform and consider my ideas, and hopefully give me a vote, because even 1 can make a difference. Please do not vote for me, or anybody else just because they are popular, or theyare pretty. Read through what they have to say and think to yourself.. Do they really know that they are doing? Do they have what it takes? I promise you, I will not throw pathetic ideas at you such as Whypasses for clams, 1 000 000 clams on your birthday or No expiring face parts! Because we all know that those kinds of things are just unrealistic, and are obviously not going to happen. So, sit back, take out your reading glasses and enjoy the ride!

1) Getting taped hardly seems like a punishment anymore, people have learned to laugh about it and I have witnessed people saying inappropriate thingsjust so they can get taped, and have a story to tell. They usually just go onto another account anyways and chat there, which doesnt really seem like they are being punished at all. I think that along with getting taped for so and so many days, there should also be a fine involved. We all know that clams are the most valuable things you can have, to most people, and losing them would be dreadful. If you were to be fined accordingly to your behavior, then people would think more before they act, not wanting to loose their precious clams. They should take things more seriously, and know that we mean business when you get punished, and it isnt a joke.

2) That brings me to another matter. I have noticed that in other websites you can only make 1 account per e-mail. I think that this would help stop people from creating multiple accounts so they can get more clams, or use that account for when they are taped on their usual account (as mentioned earlier). Sure, people could just create another e-mail address, but some people cant be bothered to go through filling out all that information over and over again.

3) Did you know that there is a grey in Akbars Face Factory that when you use it, it comes up invisible? This is because it is the same shade as the background. What if you wanted to use this colour, but couldnt tell where you were putting it and you had to constantly view it on your character? Well,I believe I have come up with a solution to this problem. What if we could choose a colour for our background? Like white, black, yellow etc. This way, you can see all of the colours that you want to use for your design, and you can you the invisible grey knowing you arent making any mistakes.

4) You know how your mail just seems to build up and up until finally you realize you have so many unneeded messages, it is time to delete them all? Well, we all know that clicking in every single one of those boxes takes up quite a bit of time. So Im suggesting a box at the top of the screen labeled Select Messages or something, that you could click and it puts a checkmark in all the boxes beside all of your messages. If you wished to keep some, then you could simple uncheck those specific boxes. This would save time and effort and would be welled used, I believe.

5) You know how you can search for a face part at Akbars? Or search for a store? Well, I think it would be great if you could type in your friends username and then their store will come up.

6) Ive designed a few face parts, and I also got aggravated when I draw something that completely messes up my design. I think an Undo button would bea lot of help, especially for our dedicated designers.

7) The disco. Ah yes, I remember the disco.. Although it was been a very long time since Ive actually seen the inside of it. Thats because it is always reserved, and half the time the party is forgotten about because it is booked 3 or 4 months ahead. Outrageous! All that is being done is taking up time and space that people could actually book and REALLY attend to their partied. Since being part of Club Why includes booking parties for a private chat with some friends, then I am not suggesting we get rid of the reservation idea. But, what I am suggesting is that we make another disco where you can not reserve it. That way, people can actually spend time in the disco. Or perhaps there could be rooms like in the checker rooms, and trading post where there are numbered rooms. An idea for you to think about.

8) Something else is that I think when a face part is sold out, you should still be able to click on the Details button. Sometimes people like to check out the sizes so they know if they want to remember the part and check back on it later, and sometimes they are just curious as to who the designer is.

9) On the old welcome page, there was a shortcut to pick a destinations. That was very handy, I thought, and I think that it should simply be added again.

10) Story of the Week or Writer of the Month. These are just a few ideas that could be added to the list under Citizen of the Month. These two new ideas can encourage people to write to the times with intelligent and creative stories, facts, whatever. If somebodys article is picked, then it boosts their confidence, which is a great part in life. They would be less afraid to show what they can really write, and show their Writers Voice.

11) A petition finder would most definitely be handy. There are so many petitions that sometimes it is hard to find the one you are looking for. Perhaps we could add a Petition Finder much like the search tool in the Face Factory or the Whyville Times. You could search for ones on specific days, on specific subjects of by certain people. This will help make things easier for people, instead of having to search through that one long page with 100 submitted petitions.

12) Some people have mentioned to me that they dont think that Why Club is really worth 1000 clams. Personally, I dont really care what you get out ofit except the feeling that you are supporting whyville. Maybe to keep people interested, they could get 3 clams added to their salary, as suggested tome earlier. This is fully up to you.

13) At the end of each week, or month, I cant remember, a citizen would get rewarded for donating the most parts to Grandmas. I think that should be brought back because it encourages people to donate. And all the while, Newbies will be getting face parts to help start them off on their journey. Likementioned before, we have to look at the good things about whyville, and not always the bad.

14) We all know about the Why Pox. Weve all had it before at least once, if not more. I think there should be a new disease that should spring up to action. Perhaps you could get it from taking one too many vaccines? This would give us the chance to learn more about the vaccines, and how it can be dangerous in real life to take too much of a good thing.

15) Not least, but the last idea on my platform.. Many people believe the Senate Race to be about popularity. Which is how some people make it. I think that if the faces of everybody running would show up as Tators, this would help stop people from voting strictly on looks.

16) Sometimes when you write a very long message in your city records, or write a petition, something in the BBS or even a platform for the Senate Race, you see those very annoying words Sorry, your --- possibly contains inappropriate items. Please try again Arg! What about when you cant find what is thought to be inappropriate? Some words contain bad words in them, and so you have to read over everything, paying special attention to spelling. I think that it should tell you what is inappropriate so that it is easier to fix the problem.

Well, those are a few of the ideas I have in store. I hope they strike interest to you, and you take them seriously. If you wish to contact me, then just mail me with whatever suggestions and comments you have, dont be shy! I appreciate all votes, even down to the very last one or even the 5th. I promise you that I am worth your vote. I do not give up on my goals and I do not let others put me down. I keep my chin up in the air, and walk with pride. I know, I can do whatever I put my mind to, and so can you. Thank you for your time.


Editor's Note: Post your questions for BeeZD in the BBS below. She may answer them, or City Workers may use your questions for the Whyville Senator Debate, time, date, and place, TBA.


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