www.whyville.net Oct 26, 2005 Weekly Issue

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Have you ever played or wanted to play soccer? Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world. This sport's field used to be three miles ling. Three miles long! Could you believe running all that time on a three mile field?

It is impossible to accurately say where and when soccer started, but it is reasonable to assume that some type of ball game from which the organized sport we know today developed, has been played somewhere on the planet for over 3,000 years. Britain is the undisputed birthplace of modern soccer/association football. Scotland and England being the co-founders of the organized game.

As we move on through time, soccer has come so far and has developed so much it is one of the most popular sports ever played. Even young kids at the age of four play soccer. There are many parents that get involved with this sport as well. They don't always play, but they help coach. Some of the parents help keep the team running so everyone can have a good time and just play.

Sometimes soccer might not be your sport. If it isn't, but you like it, keep practicing. You will eventually get better. I know when I was litttle I wasn''t the best on my team, but I was still good. Now look at me. I was five when I started and now I am twelve. Like I said I'm only twelve, but I have already been nominated to play for the U.S.A. You can come so far from practicing. If you give up you never will become better.

I know people say, "Oh, soccer is a boy sport. Girls can't play." I beg your pardon, but have you ever heard of Mia Hamm. Or you could even look at my story. I'm a girl. Also people say that boys that play are "grass fairies" and that they can't play. Well I must correct you because they are not "grass fairies" and they can play. My coach Tony is a boy and one of the best soccer players I have ever seen. Some of my friends that are twelve and that are boys are way better than me.

It sounds to me that this game soccer, or football (the real name of soccer) is a very popular sport. If you'd like to try this sport go out for a team now. It is soccer season you know.



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