www.whyville.net Nov 13, 2005 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

Thanksgiving Activity Answers/Winners

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Hey! As most of you know I wrote an article for the Times (if you can call it a article) called Thanksgiving Activity! Well, I got a ton of y-mails but only 3 top winners.

Right now I'll show you the answers to the questions and I'll tell everyone the 3 top winners and everyone that participated. Oh, and in case you're wondering how I picked the 3 top winners, this is what I did. The first 3 people that y-mailed me the answers and got them all right won. So if you didn't win this time, I'll have another activity out soon! :D

Answers to the word scramble:

1) Thanksgiving
2) Pilgrim
3) Turkey
4) Pumpkin pie
5) Indians

Answers to the sentences: Well, there wasn't any one correct answer so I accepted anything like this:

On Thanksgiving we always have turkey. (turkey was the word)
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. (Thanksgiving was the word)
A pilgrim is someone who traveled to America on a ship. (pilgrim was the word)
Pumpkin pie is the dessert we have every Thanksgiving. (pumpkin pie was the word)

Ok, there were all the answers! Now to the winners!!

In first place: lckygrl13
In second:cobd
In third: tcnnlrn

Great job guys! You will get your prizes shortly.

This is everyone that participated:
dancer258, Zarra, queeny500, dartanian, 12jisw33t, penguinjr, hotty1238, Zelda1234, moonglrlz, runninstr, crazy2b, Tia022, pretzeboy, Juche, and last but not least, xfuturex!

Great job to everyone! C'ya around!

This is Xcbear2X, signing off


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