Hey guys!
This is YargPixie writing my first article about what I do best on Whyville, designing! I'm giving you the inside scoop on how I do it and what you can do to get started!
When I first started Whyville way back in 2003, I stumbled upon the Face Factory and said to myself, "Hey, why don't I design?!" I went to an art school, I was very creative so I took a shot at it. The first part I ever made was -- Lab Rat #yargpixie#. I soon found out that making quality face parts would earn me clams . . . lots and lots of clams. Now on to the advice part!
My first part of advice is, start out small! Take a shot at making some lips, or making a nose! It's much easier to start making smaller parts then working your way to the bigger ones.
I'm sure many of you are wondering how I make hair so realistic and great looking! Here's the process: First I make the outline in a single color. Then, I start "scratching" in lighter and darker colors to make it look like there is light in the room. Black hairs are the easiest to make for me!
My tips for making eyes is always keep both sides even! Nobody wants to buy eyes that are lop-sided and crooky. They want eyes that are level and in proportion. If you want to make them exactly the same, you can take a picture of it, and copy it from any paint program.
My last tip that I'm going to give y'all today is have fun! Your designs won't turn out very good if you are in a bad mood and just feel like making a mess. If you are having that kind of day, I suggest you roll your cats feet in paint and make a masterpiece out of that ha-ha (kidding).
I hope you all enjoyed some of the tips I have given you and use them to make quality parts! Until next time . . .