Hello, Whyville! When you read a magazine there is a good chance your horoscope will be in the back of it. But my story is, is it true? Some talk about love, some talk about life, some talk about money! But how do we really know if this is going to happen?
I am Cancer it starts at June 21st and ends July 22nd. After Cancer then comes Leo that lasts until July 23rd through August 22nd.
In my old Seventeen magazine is of course a horoscope on the last page so I read it and it says,
"Over the last few weeks, you've preferred staying at home and doing nothing. But with Mars moving into your sign on the 14th, you'll feel a much needed surge of energy. Makes sure you get out and do something fun on the 20th and 29th-on both days you'll be the center of attention."
Now how do I know that is true? The Editor of Seventeen is more than likely making it up.
When I first heard of horoscopes I thought they were evil, I didn't get how someone could tell how your future was going to be by stars. I hardly ever read horoscopes, but occasionally I do. Take last year for example I was supposedly going to be rich and have tons and tons of animals, but did I, No.
Sometimes when it's a persons horoscope month they are glad. But it doesn't turn out as planned. Your crush doesn't ask you out, you don't make a million dollars, and you don't cut your hair off.
Some people truly listen to their horoscopes and that is how their month goes. Some people get confidence from their horoscopes, some think it is ridiculous, and some don't even care.
Here are all the horoscopes in order: Aquarius starts at January 20th and ends at February 18th. Next up: Pisces starts at February 19th and ends in March 20th. Next up in the ring is: Aries, it starts at March 21th and ends at April 19th. Next coming at you is: Taurus. This starts at April 20th and ends in May 20th. The next one is: Gemini. It starts at May 21th, and ends at June 20th. Next one flying by is: Cancer it starts at June 21th and ends at July 22nd. Next one going by the island is: Leo (Doesn't it remind you of a lion?) It begins at July 23rd and ends at August 22nd. Next one eating ice cream is: Virgo it starts at August 23rd and ends at September 22nd. Next one reading the newspaper is: Libra is starts at September 23rd and ends at October 22nd. Next petting a bunny is: Scorpio it starts on October 23rd and ends November 21st. Next trying to get in is: Sagittarius it starts November 22nd and ends December 21st. And last, but not least: Capricorn this starts at December 22nd and ends January 19th.
So you want to hear what another citizen thinks about horoscopes? Well let's see! I will interview: Surfsup46.
CupOfCake: Hi, may I interview you for the Whyville Times?
Surfsup46: Yes, you certainly may :)
CupOfCake: Thanks. Do you believe that horoscopes actually come true or do you believe they are fake?
Surfsup46: I think they are fake.
CupOfCake: Why do you think this?
Surfsup46: These people think they can see their futures from the stars, it's pathetic!
CupOfCake: Oh. And what do you think about magazine's with horoscopes in them?
Surfsup46: I guess it's okay, I mean I don't read them . . .
CupOfCake: Oh well thank you for your time!
Surfsup46: Anytime :)
I really liked her, and her personality! Well there you have it Whyvillians, the scoop on horoscopes.
This junior Reporter CupOfCake signing off to go watch a DVD!