www.whyville.net May 10, 2001 Weekly Issue

Newbie Forum

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Newbie Forum
Citizens talk about newbies, how they should be treated, how they should act, etc.

anonymous author
Grateful New Citizen

Hi. When I first came to Whyville, I was so lost and confused. I didn't know how to play any games or anything and I didn't have any clams. I tried telling people that, but then all they would say was, "Let me have your password and I will get you lots of clams."

Being the smart person that I am, I never gave out my password. Then finally, one day this nice Whyville member came and she helped me. I am not going to mention her name, but when I said that I didn't know how to earn any clams, she said, "Just a second." She was going to send me a letter that would tell me everything that I needed to know about earning clams.

Even though I was still kind of lost on how to earn clams, she was there for me and she cared about me. It was the thought that counted and I hope that after reading this that you will reach out and help someone soon.

I also think that there needs to be some simple instructions on how to earn clams and you must read them as soon as you enter Whyville and I would like a copy of simple instructions sent to me if that is possible.




anonymous author
Willing to Help
When I first found out about Whyville, I thought people would be willing to share clams, but I was stupid to think that people would do that, because people are naturally selfish. So, I started a charity -- all you have to do is send me clams, and I'll search in the records for people who make under 10 clams a day.



Sharing Friends' Generosity

When I started out at Whyville, I had no clams. My friends were there and they gave me some clams.

I thought about how much I would have to pay them back! When I read some messages in the message boards and read the Whyville Times it helped me understand how I can earn clams. Now, I am giving clams to people that don't have any and I am donating things I don't need.


Not Made of Clams

Hello, all you fellow Whyvillians, this is Gap. I have noticed something big going on in our town.

Well, it all started one day when I was reading the Times (like usual). I stumbled across an article from a person I had never met, and they were talking about how everyone in Whyville is mean to newbies!

As soon as I read that I was kinda mad because, well, I don't like giving away my clams to people I don't know. I am still nice to newbies and I want them as friends, but I am just tired of writers calling me a mean person!

Well, if any newbies have a problem with this, whymail me at gapgirl16.



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