www.whyville.net Jul 25, 2006 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

Brace Yourself: It Will Not Be Pretty

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What might you ask, won't be pretty? Saving up for your scion! I have a whole article on saving up for the perfect scion, and how to manage your money depending on your daily salary. It's all here.

Black Sand Pearl, Thunder Cloud Metallic, Polar White, Salsa Red Pearl, Blue Onyx Pearl, Orange Crush (2,532 Clams Extra), Zebra (4,032 Clams Extra), Whylicious (7,532 Clams Extra), Serpentine (5,532 Clams Extra). Know what I'm talking about?

It's what every Whyvillian wants, and only a few lucky ones have -- so far. Are you dying for the Zebra Scion, but make 75 Clams per day? Here is a few ways to manage your Clams, earn more clams, and save up for the perfect Scion. By the end of reading my article, I think you will be able to save up enough clams in a month or two. Read On!

Here is the index, just so you do not get totally lost during your trip:
1. Introduction
2. Deciding on the Scion
3. Manage It
4. Raising your salary
5. Learning to Save
6. Learning to Let Go
7. Extra Jobs
8. Conclusion


You tried, but could not save up your clams even if your life depended on it, so have you given up already? Are you so close, but yet so far? I will help you get that extra distance, to go where you could never go before! You will learn what a good amount is, to save, spend and put toward your Scion. You will learn what you do not need, and what you are wasting your clams on; your good, hard earned clams. You can do it -- you have the power . . . you just need someone to lean on here and there.

Deciding on the Scion

Hmm . . . what is just a waste and what is really worth it? Do you really need that white thumbprint? I will help you find the weeds in your garden. Just put it that way.

Body Colour:

Black Sand Pearl: Just because you are not spending extra clams, does not mean this isn't worth it! It is your basic, black Scion. What more could you want? Totally worth the buy, even though I'm still crossing my fingers to get that beloved zebra scion!

Thunder Cloud Metallic: If black just isn't your color, there is another great Scion, which is grey, with black accents around the driver's window . . . hey you can look at the pictures yourself! I don???t need to tell you every detail, do I? It's another nice scion, and worth the buy!

Polar White: I personally do not like this scion, but you might! Maybe it's your dream car, and probably going to be your car someday! It has no extra charge, and well worth the price.

Salsa Red Pearl: Nachos anyone? Nice scion, nice and red! One of my favorite colors! Worth the price, maybe you can get them to throw in a few nachos, or does that ruin your WhyEat diet?

Blue Onyx Pearl: So many Scions, so little clams! I always thought onyx was black. Meh. It's a nice color, but black is still better. No extra charge, so if blue is your color, go for it!

Orange Crush: (2,532 clams extra) Ooh, our first one that cost extra clams! I love the designs on the side, but for that price? It's your decision, but it will take longer to save.

Zebra: (4,032 clams extra) My favorite! But probably not worth the 4,000 clams extra. But, if animal print is your calling, this is the Scion for you. Note: Not tested on animals.

Whylicious: (7,532 clams extra) Absolutely not worth it. That's just my opinion. But apparently my opinion matters because you are reading this . . . haha. Just go for a cheaper one, you should not pay 7,500 clams extra for what? Fire? The image of cool? No, stick with any other one.

Serpentine: (5,532 clams extra) It's a nice design, orange windows, and super sick! But it's a little too bright; I would go blind in an hour.

To print, or not to print: Thumbprints! You can get one black or white thumbprint under the driver's window. It is 256 clams extra, not bad. This decision is up to you, most people probably get 256 clams easily, but if money is that scarce, forget it.

Wheels: Getting new wheels looks nice, but really, how many people look at your Scion and say, "Oh my god! She spent 500 extra clams on her wheels!" No one really notices wheels, so you shouldn't really upgrade them. But, if you do, you can get Standard Wheels for free, Why-Wheels for 500 clams, or lightning bolt wheels for 1,000 clams.

Accessories: Choose wisely, I do not recommend any, but see them for yourself.
Under Car Glow (875 clams)
Automatic Transmission (450 clams)
Roof Rack w/Snowboard (900 clams)
Whybird Hood Ornament (5,000 clams)
Whyngs (2,600 clams)
Turbo Charger (1,800 clams)
Why-Lights (450 clams)
Side Pipes Exhaust (455 clams)
Spoiler (323 clams)

Note: Every Scion has a 540 clam handling charge. You're lucky there is no tax!

Manage It

Oh yes, the worst part. Paying for your Scion. If you don't have enough clams, you can take out a loan, but your WhyCo score makes it difficult to take out a very high loan. Check it out sometime, but I'd suggest you save the money first, because you have to pay interest on loans.

Raising your salary

It is pretty easy to raise your salary, if you know what you are doing. Just go to your ledger, located in your satchel, and click on salary ledger. Just explore the different games, I have done a lot of them, and they aren't that hard. Just work on it for a few days to try paying for your scion faster.

Learning to Save Okay, this part I will help you on a lot. It will all depend on your salary. Raise your salary, and you get to make more, save more, and put more toward your Scion.

0-20 Clams - Your salary is so low; it will take probably years to get that Scion. Raise your salary, and it will be quicker.

20-30 Clams - Put 15 clams per day toward your Scion. Spend the rest, or choose to save the rest.

31-40 Clams - Put 15 clams per day toward your Scion. Spend the rest, or choose to save the rest.

41-50 Clams - Put 35 clams per day toward your Scion. Spend the rest, or choose to save the rest.

51-60 Clams - Put 45 clams per day toward your Scion. Spend the rest, or choose to save the rest.

61-70 Clams - Put 55 clams per day toward your Scion. Spend the rest, or choose to save the rest.

71-80 Clams - Put 65 clams per day toward your Scion. Spend the rest, or choose to save the rest.

81-90 Clams - Put 75 clams per day toward your Scion. Spend the rest, or choose to save the rest.

91-100 Clams - Put 85 clams per day toward your Scion. Spend the rest, or choose to save the rest.

101-110 Clams - Put 95 clams per day toward your Scion. Spend the rest, or choose to save the rest.

111-120 Clams - Put 105 clams per day toward your Scion. Spend the rest, or choose to save the rest.

121-130 Clams - Put 110 clams per day toward your Scion. Spend the rest, or choose to save the rest.

Learning to let go

Just because everyone has that new, gorgeous hair, doesn't mean you have to have it, same thing with Scions. If it's not in your budget, try to save for it with the clams extra you have each day, or try trading some old things to get it. That comes to my next tip. Sell all extra face parts in the trading post, or at least most of them. There's no point in having two shirts and only wear one. There is plenty of time for that after you have bought your Scion. But for now it's all about that scion.

Extra Jobs

There are extra jobs to do, such as the WhyRat food sorting game. All you have to do is sort food, and you get 15 clams each time. If you do that a lot it eventually pays off, and only takes 2-3 minutes each game. I have heard of something called art sales, but I don't know what it is, sorry.


So, if you are willing to let go, and put clams toward this Scion, then I have helped, and that was my goal. This is also the first thing I have written in the Whyville Times. I will be very happy if it makes it, and if you are reading it, then it probably did. If you have any questions for me, no hate mail please, y-mail me. My username is Mrmoocow2.

Thanks for reading this, and thanks for caring.

Have fun driving your new scion!!


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