Here are this issue's Honorable Mention Articles. Please congratulate these writers for their work thus far. I encourage you as always to continue writing and working to improve.
"The Mona Lisa Frown" by ciz4cooky
"Fat n' Skinny vs. Healthy" by OoPartyoO
"Petition Problems: Think Before You Post" by Writer01
"Intimidated Girls" by hazelgrl8
"Sleep Tight" by Serena388
"Hackers, Plain and Simple" by xElloMoto
"My Journey" by sponge46
"A Healthy Start" by Zodiac101
"Asthma, Take a Look Inside" by navyb
"Will That Be Cash or Credit" by BecauseSo
"Moving, What to Do" by Bellam95
Thank you to each and every one of you for your submissions, not just the writers highlighted here. Your work is greatly appreciated and the Times is improving every issue!
Happy Writing,
Times Editor