When love does emerge from hiding, when in hearts it reigns abiding,
Rushing through and overwhelming every bit of clever thought,
Boundless joy and endless pleasure, passion past all hope of measure,
Love transforms trouble to treasure; embraces the mind it has caught
This feeling so eagerly sought, can it be all but for naught?
Takes love the hand of deception, warping lovers' clear perception,
Gaining with infatuation deceit in emotions' reign
Youth gladly give their heart away and put their bodies up for play
True meanings in dim disarray; pure love traded for disdain
Sacredness perceived as vain, discarded power to abstain.
Why can they not see perfection in purity's white reflection?
Pride and delight and the splendor of the untouched blushing bride
Society discards this gleaming for the instant pleasure seeming
Foolish gazes, lustful dreaming, desiring fleshly joys provide,
Shamefully does one confide that of purity they have pride!
Oh, what a dark and dismal state is this world's sad and wretched fate!
Destroying, mocking and discarding anything remotely pure.
Empty souls worthless adore, the sins they no longer abhor
Join with them not, I do implore, retain your honor, live mature.
Temptations attempt to endure, with strength resist the daunting lure.