www.whyville.net Jun 20, 2006 Weekly Issue

Times Writer

Glitsygrl's Submission

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It was a long time ago, at a pre-wedding festivities in Lake Placid, New York, that I met Matthew.

He struck me as odd at first, with his chin length-blonde hair, and deep blue eyes, and the fact that he was 14 and couldn't swim.

It was four days before my cousin Will's wedding, and they had planned many free-time activities for the weddings guests at their stay in Lake Placid. My mom and I had decided to go swim in a pretty mountain lake (the water was freezing) called Copperlas Pond (that's what I remember it to be, at least, correct me if I'm wrong). The lake was a pretty spot, with a large log in the middle that had somehow rooted itself to the bottom, and that log was where I first saw Matthew. He was grasping onto it for dear life, and wincing as the water from people jumping off the fifteen foot high rock hit his face.

I, loving to swim, thought it almost funny that he was so afraid of the lake's water. I didn't talk to him much then, but on the hike back to the car, we discussed books we both had been reading, and we got into an argument about guys being allowed to wear make-up (I was pro, he was con). There was a barbecue at my uncle's house in the Adirondacks that night, and we decided we could meet up there.

It went on like that for the last days leading up to the wedding. Matthew was one of the very best friends I had ever had, and I had only known him for three or four days. He was just a guy that everyone fell in love with and everyone loved to be around. I considered it a privilege to know him. To be distantly, distantly related to him.

I have many memories with Matthew of those few days: swimming in Mirror Lake, shopping in Lake Placid's dim plaza and watching movies while the older wedding guests went to a wine tasting. Some of them make me tear up, but I won't bore you with those.

Let's speed up to the reception of the wedding. It was at a beautiful lodge and golf course on the outskirts of Lake Placid, the prettiest scenery I had ever, well you know, seen. After a delicious dinner, Matthew and his younger brother Robert and I took off our shoes, and ran on the golf course greens, tripping to many times, and laughing so hard it stung.

Then the dancing started! Oh lord, everyone danced for four or five hours, late into the night. It was a blur of Shirley Temples and dancing with Matthew and Robert to overrated MTV songs, but it was the most fun night of my life.

Around 2:00, everyone evacuated, for most had planes to catch in the morning, including Matthew and his family, who lived in Alaska. I had left around 1:00 to help Hannah, the bride, bring stuff back into town, and by the time I got back to the reception, Matthew and his family had left. Matthew had left, and I would never see him again. Or so I thought.

Let's bring ourselves up to two months ago, in Seattle. Hannah and Will had had a baby, and bought a house in the Seattle suburbs, so they decided to bring the whole family down to see the child. When I mean the whole family, I mean the whole family. We had people flying in from Atlanta, Calgary, everywhere.

Mom and I had just landed in the airport after the long ride from New York, and I was dead tired. As we were waiting for our luggage, Mom and I discussed our plans for the next few days. It had been about 10 minutes of not seeing our baggage, when there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Matthew, all grown up, holding our three bags, grinning.

I admit, I cried.

It turns out he had flown in from Alaska with his family a few days ago, and was wondering if my mom and I were coming down. When he got our flight schedule, he came down to pick us up himself.

I had never been happier to see anyone in my entire life.

So, in the end, I did see Matthew one last time after all.

It was a time I will never forget, with my best friend that I will never forget, either.



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