I was new on Whyville and I had a question, so I went to the Newbie Center, and there I found a y-mail helper sitting at the desk, like usual, only this one seemed like she knew what she was doing, and liked it. Her username was girlmusic.
I asked her how you make clams and she told me all about the salary games and the cafeteria games. She also offered to help me with the cafeteria games, so we went to the cafeteria.
She showed me how to play the games and which one she thought was better. I was catching on fast. She also told me some good face parts that I could buy at Akbar's Face Mall, and before you knew it my person look fabulous. She also gave me tips on the games in the salary ledger. She told me to y-mail her if I had anymore questions.
I still had one more question, so I y-mailed her like she had told me to. I asked her if I could be her friend and she said yes. She invited me to her disco party and I had a really good time and met more people and made new friends.
I think she deserves this article written about her because she helped me a lot and became my first friend when a lot of people just told me to go away because I was a Newb. She had also told me to ignore the people who called me a Newb because they were new once and they should remember what it feels like. I only wish that everyone was as nice as girlmusic was on Whyville. Thanks for your help girlmusic, you are awesome. You should definitely y-mail her if you have any questions.