Whyville Poet |
I hear them constantly
they never ever stop
sometimes i sit in bed and think why me?
they scream until they drop
i never thought i could think up something this bad,
but then again my heads quite messed
and I'm always sad
it's my parents or friends that scream
it's all in my head
it's my feelings that are being mean
so my mind screams its throat red
how could my mind conjure up
such feelings of unpleasantly
towards myself and towards others
that would make me hard to see
i hope this guy mom's takin me to
will help with my issue
unlike gentle words do
so now i'm happy as can be
all is peaceful and calm
and i live a life without the screams
that lived inside of me
Whyville Poet |
Stars sparkle in the blackness of night,
Shining into the darkness,
Leading the hopeless, one more day,
Giving hope to them,
Comforting those who mourn,
Holding those who are abandoned and abused,
Guiding those who are lost,
Giving love to the unloved,
Protecting those who fear,
Listening to the silent tears,
Supporting the forgotten souls,
Sending angels to the forgotten child.