www.whyville.net Sep 12, 2007 Weekly Issue

Guest Writer

Wool Sweater: Chapter 1

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Author's Note: Alright, so I have been sending in a character sketch every single week for a while, and people are getting sick of it. So I have decided to start sending in my story.

"Honey, you have to eat it." Mom tapped the plate in front of me, the plate that had the cruelest thing in the world sitting on it, meat.

"No mom, you can't make me. I refuse to eat such garbage." "But Paige, you're going to die. Meat is healthy, how long is this phase going to last because I don't have the patience."

"Mom it isn't just a phase. It's something I believe in. It's something that I want to do. This poor innocent animal died for us to eat and that doesn't sadden you?" "Honey, Jesus died for our sins. He died to save us, it's the same for this animals. They die for us to survive." My father insisted I eat the chicken.

"No, I'd rather kill myself than to eat a crumb of this meat." I ran upstairs for the second night in a row. I've been vegan for about two years now. I started when I was 13, so as you can tell I'm 15. I decided to give vegetarianism a try when I received chain e-mail about animal cruelty. A few months a long the line, I decided to become vegan, and not use any products that were tested on animals.

"Paige, please open your door." My mom knocked, "I need to talk to you." "I am not in the mood, Mother." "Paige Rebecca Johnson you open this door right now or I will kick it down." "Fine, fine, fine, fine!" I unlocked the door and gave my mother the hurtful eye.

"Paige don't look at me that way, we have to have a serious talk here, and it's for your own good. You're not healthy." "Mom, I don't care. If me dying saves the lives of millions of animals I don't care. All I care about is saving those innocent animals from terror and death, even if it costs me my life." "Honey, your father and I love you very much and we support you, but you have to have at least a serving of meat everyday. It's for your own good." "No mom! No! You listen to me, I will never ever, ever, eat meat, eggs or anything that involves animals again." "Honey, you have no protein, you at least need the calcium from milk, and if not that take calcium supplements."

"Not happening! I say no to milk because the cow that once milked that milk will become our food one day, and I will never have medicine again." "You leave me no choice Paige. Your father, your sister and I have decided to put you in counseling." "What? Mom that's ridiculous! I refuse to see some psychiatrist about this. I don't need help mom. I certainly think you need help because you should believe in your daughter's beliefs. I don't care if you've signed me up for one, I will not show up." "I will force you into showing up. I don't care if I have to drag you in there, and handcuff you to the coffee table."

"Isn't that illegal?" "It's a figure of speech Paige." She smiled, "Look honey, I know your heart is in the right place but your body is going to be the sacrifice. I know you don't understand me Paige but you're not going to make it through much longer. And I do not want to see you go because I love you."

I looked up at my mother, the woman who didn't want to see me go at such a young age, or at all. I understand where she's coming from, truly I do. It's just this is why I was sent to Earth, I have to save these animals. I just wish that they would understand, "Mom, I know this is breaking your heart, but you have to understand I feel this way about every single slaughtered animal."

"Darling, you know I am sorry. You know I just don't want to see you go." She began to cry, "One day you'll know what it feels like being the mother." "I love you mom, but I am sticking to what I know in my heart is right." "Alright Paige and you should know I really do support you and you have inspired me." She grinned. "How's that?" "I'm quitting smoking, well at least trying." "Mom!" We hugged, and cried together.

I really love my family. My sister Sarah supports me. My mom and dad support me, but at the same time, they want to shove meat products down my throat so that it can sit in my stomach. Oh, my hungry stomach. I know I have to eat, but almost everything has something do to with animals. Chickens that would after die for or stomachs laid eggs and, milk was made from the cow that will soon become our cheeseburger. Everything involves animals, and anything that doesn't, just doesn't seem appetizing too me. A tofu hotdog, um, no! A bowl of soybeans, sorry, I'd rather not.

Honestly, where did the world go so wrong?


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